Google’s New Recommendations Help the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast

Google added a new social media aspect to their search engine.  Have you seen it?  It's the [+1] thing where you recommend a webpage.  It looks like the recommend feature has replaced their old social media network.  I can't find it anywhere.

What's interesting is that when I searched for “celtic music” on google and then recommended my Irish & Celtic Music Podcast, that webpage climbed up the rankings.

I've done a lot of search engine optimization over the years because I learned long ago that the higher you are up on any charts, the more likely you're going to attract more traffic.  If my podcast or Celtic MP3s Music Magazine were the #1 search term on google, then I would attract exponentially more traffic that the second their, or tenth spot.  That means, more listeners, more readers, and of course, more income.

I mention it to you because I'd like you to make a recommendation for me.  Go to Google and search for “Celtic music”.  See where it is on the search engines.   And if you're a fan, recommend it for me.  If you like the magazine (a few spots down) or even my Celtic Music CD Store, recommend them as well.

While you're at, why don't recommend something else you love.  It doesn't have to be related to all my Celtic promotions.  Just share something that you love with others.

Oh! I finally found what happened to Google Buzz.  It's still there.