Marc Pick’s Most-Popular Celtic Bands of 2015

Marc Pick’s Most-Popular Celtic Bands of 2015

I didn’t actually pick these amazing bands this week. It was a lot more organic than that. This list features the Celtic bands I played most-often on the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast. I love all of these bands, but there were a few surprises that I didn’t anticipate. Ranked in Order: The Bow Triplets […]

How was your year? Goal Setting for 2016

How was your year? Goal Setting for 2016

I have begun reviewing my success from 2015 and I’m starting to set goals for 2016. You can learn some of my solid plans for next year. Though there will be more exciting things to come… once I figure those out! 2015 is the first year that the Celtfather has been a weekly podcast, which […]

What Newsletters Do I Publish?

I’m a big fan of using email to promote my music. I’m not great it, but I recognize it’s value and do my best to offer value to you with each of my newsletters. Nevertheless, Kat asked me recently what mailing lists I have, so she could better understand what she was subscribed to. So I […]

7 things I should be doing

Last week marked the tenth anniversary of my very first podcast, which was with the Renaissance Festival Music Podcast, on June 26, 2005. This led to many other podcasts and eventually to my becoming a full-time musician and Podcaster, so thank you for your support! The Donegal Celtic Invasion was a tremendous success – the Giant’s […]

Rambling After Sherwood Forest Faire

I’m back in Texas for the Sherwood Forest Faire with four shows daily. It was a great start to the season, and I’m SO happy to be back. I’m getting some nice audiences thanks in part to Gary Luther, my hawker, who’s out inviting people to my shows. It’s awesome. Thanks Gary! To subscribe, go […]

CG062: Firefly Show, Celtic Music Journal, and Kickstarter

In show #62, I talk about some of the fun things that happened during the Firefly Drinking Songs shows and the excitement for the Celtic Halloween show. I inform you of a new Celtic music YouTube series that has me excited and update you on a new level for the Kickstarter campaign that I hope […]

Where Did I Go Wrong with Procrastination?

There’s a lot on my mind right now. So I thought I’d blog. That, and I’m procrastinating recording this week’s Irish & Celtic Music Podcast. That’s okay. I’ll get it done today. The shownotes are almost done. I just need a good title for the show. Hmmm…. Where to begin? Upcoming Sci Fi Conventions Let’s see. […]

CG037: A Star Is Born

We had a great weekend in New Orleans, complete with a show stopping performance at The Irish House with my daughter. Listen to find out more. Today’s show is brought to you by  YOU! Thanks for listening.   This Week’s Celtic Geek News “Doctor of Gallifrey” on The FuMP Dental barbarism and Star Trek IV: […]

CG032: What Is Celtic Music?

The definition of Celtic music has changed over the last fifty years. It could easily be defined as the traditional music of Ireland and Scotland. That definition no longer works. “Traditional Irish music” is a subset of Celtic music, just like “traditional Scottish music”. And “Irish music” does not automatically equal Celtic music. So what is Celtic music […]