Many years ago, I published Bards Crier Music Marketing Tips as a weekly ezine. I compiled dozens of great music marketing tips to share with musicians. Thousands of people subscribed to my newsletter. I was one of the top music marketers online. The website is still up and now rebranded towards solo and duo musicians and small groups.
I still publish music marketing articles, but I eventually put that on the back burner to focus on actually marketing my own music. But the music marketing tips are still there on my website at
Earlier this week, the Bards Crier WordPress site got slammed by hackers. I'm SO tired of all these attacks, so I decided it was time to remove that wordpress site. The website is now redesigned as basic HTML, simple and effective.
I am also rebranding it for solo musicians, duos and small groups. I always wrote articles from the idea of a lone bard. With so many music marketers out there, I figure having a focus is a good idea, even though the concepts are good for just about and musician out there.
If you're a musician, check out the website and tell your fellow musicians. One day, I hope I can finish a music marketing book. But since I've been talking about it for several years now, and it still hasn't seen the light of day, we shall see…