1-2-3-4 Texas Renaissance Festival at the Door
Man, I'm getting psyched. The Texas Renaissance Festival is rapidly approaching. Just three more days, and we're back at faire. It's definitely fueling my desire to play more.
Today, I'm heading back out to the South Mall of UT Austin to practice. Course, most of my solo practicing isn't the funny music that the Brobdingnagian Bards typically play during our live show. A lot of my solo stuff is composed of Irish ballads, Scottish songs, and my own unique folk songs.
When the weather is as great as it is, it all comes together beautifully out on the South Mall. I'll be out ther from 12-1pm during my lunch break. Course, it's always nice to see people out there. So come out if you have the time.
If you've never heard me perform, the Brobdingnagian Bards have a lot of free music downloads on their website. I have my fair share of free folk music downloads as well.
Free music downloads are one of the main reasons we've progressed as rapidly as we have. I've built an entire directory of free music downloads online. And also publish an ezine of free celtic music downloads as well.
Course, none of this has squat to do with the Texas Renaissance Festival...
Wait. That's not entirely true. I've helped promote a lot of Renaissance Festival bands online with free music downloads. And at the Texas Renaissance Festival, you'll see bands like Cantiga, Tartanic, Iris and Rose, and many more who offer free music downloads.
Okay... Time to get back to work, and maybe go listen to some of that free music to get me ready... Oh! Shoot, I need to go to Ren Radio. That'll definitely put me in the mood. Slainte!
posted by Marc Gunn @ Wednesday, September 29, 2004 0 comments links to this post