SONG HENGE Irish MP3s and Other Happenings
This weekend I started to release my Celtic music Premium Section of the Celtic MP3s Music Magazine. I had a stupid name, when the one name that stuck from last week's request for feedback came to me--SONG HENGE! That name came from the brilliant writer and comedian C. Wayne Owens aka Seymoure. Thanks!
And this week in the magazine I unveiled SONG HENGE to my readers. So far so good. I'm still hoping to get some feedback from subscribers, but nada yet.
After I released the site, I haven't felt much like doing things. So Monday afternoon, Kristen and I went out in a canoe on Lake Austin where I promptly dumped us both into the lake... on purpose... yeah, no really. It was totally Not an accident. Really... *wistfully looks away*
That evening, we headed out to Spider House, watched Firefly, and Kristen and I played "The Ballad of Jayne" since Cedric is in Washington and can't play "The Ballad of Joss".
It was fun though I must say I really am not used to playing music without Andrew. I get stage fright all over again. It's weird. I really need to start playing a regular solo gig to kill that friggin stage fright.
Yesterday, I met up with David Clauss, the main leader of the band Celtic Stone. The meeting went well, and it looks like I will probably help him release his band's CDs online in the next couple o'months, starting with a compilation that they released in 1990. I also plan to start featuring some of their music in a new segment of the Renaissance Festival Podcast, a sorta Renaissance Festival Flashback. Sounds like he's gonna try and get me other music from past bands though it'll be tough to actually feature them since it's usually best to get permission... hmm...
Well, it can be periodic. And it'll be great to get some of Celtic Stone's music out there in any case. Their CD Digital Traditions is once again available for sale.
Kristen heads home this Friday so today I took her to Innerspace Caverns and then to see the bats come out from Congress bridge. Austin has the largest Urban population of bats in the world. It was cool to see.
posted by Marc Gunn @ Wednesday, August 10, 2005
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