Seeking Celtic Wedding Songs?
I just got a phone call from some SEO "expert" regarding my Celtic weddings website. Normally, when someone calls or emails about Celtic weddings sites, I ignore them or flag them as spam. But their intro email was good. I thought it might be worthwhile to give it a shot for a "free article". But the guy sucks. All he did was inspire me to write articles on Celtic weddings that are keyword-rich like I'm doing with this one.
What's the Celtic wedding website?
Originally he called about our main Celtic weddings website to promote the Brobdingnagian Bards. However, I directed him over to my Celtic weddings website, because it has its own URL and also has more content on Celtic wedding stuff.
The CD's ultimate goal is to sell our CD, A Celtic Renaissance Wedding which is doing well, but is not high-enough in the search engines. We used to sell a lot more CDs, but when my Bards Crier Music Marketing and Promotion Ezine website slipped in the search engines so to did my Celtic wedding website. Now we only get a few CD sales a month, which is a shame, because the Celtic CD is one of the best out there for people who Celtic music for their wedding. EVERYONE who's bought one loves our Celtic wedding music CD.
Alright, that's all the jabbering for now about Celtic weddings and Celtic wedding music. Find out more at our Celtic Weddings - Celtic Wedding Songs & Music.
posted by Marc Gunn @ Friday, March 24, 2006
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