Star Trek 11 vs. Predator
I've been hearing about the 11th Star Trek movie. It's still not yet in production, but they are planning it. The movie executives are all sitting around a sterile table on the 30th floor of some building in L.A..
"Alrighty, we've done nothing new with the Star Trek franchise for nearly a year since we killed of Enterprise. The fans are ripe for something new in the series. What kind of scripts do we have?"
"Here's one."
"What's it about?"
"Who cares? Fans don't! I mean, it's STAR TREK!!!!! They're a bunch of geeks. They don't care about how good the story is... do they?"
From a corner. "Um... excuse me, but... um."
"What is it!?"
"Do listen to those podcasts?"
"Pod-what?... Oh yeah, I think there was one of those things led the harrassment about Enterprise. Don't pay attention to that crap! We KNOW our series! So script. Throw me on and let's make the movie!
Star Trek vs Predator. I LOVE IT!"
Nine months later, we get another piece of sh*t from the theatres. If anyone is game for placing a wager, I'd go 10:1 that the script will suck!
Anyone, anyone?
posted by Marc Gunn @ Friday, April 21, 2006 0 comments links to this post