Marc Gunn - Celtic American Music, Celtic Podcaster, and Cat Lover

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Marc Gunn Journal Articles:
Choosing a Powershot S30 Digital Camera

Admittedly, I'm not an expert when it comes to choosing a digital camera. I chose my digital camera because my dad bought one and recommended it. But I am absolutely thrilled with the results!

Buying a Canon PowerShot S30 digital camera

I asked and received my Canon PowerShot S30 digital camera to take with me for my Christmas in Italy trip 2002. At my dad's recommendation, I bought an extra battery and a 128MB flash card for more digital photo storage space.

Canon PowerShot S30 Digital CameraThe Canon PowerShot S30 digital camera is a 3.3 megapixel digital camera that is light and easy to use. The point-and-shoot fans can set everything on Automatic, and you'll have a great time taking beautiful digital pictures and immediately see the results. There's a 10x zoom, plus, a macro-focus to allow you to take pictures of images up close.

There are special features to allow you take night-time photos, action shots, portraits, landscapes, and even 30-second MPEG videos. And Advanced digital photographers can customize all the above features to adjust the flash levels, aperture, film speed and more.

I'm not one for learning new electronics. I prefer very visual applications. Well, the Canon PowerShot S30 digital camera is perfect for me. It was very easy to learn and master. I customize every shot exclusively and have taken some incredible pictures. The 3.3 megapixel resolution is good enough to allow you to take quality 8" x 12" photos without pixelation.

Additionally, the Canon PowerShot S30 digital camera software is very easy to install and use. However, I only use the ZoomBrowser since I prefer manipulation of the photos in Photoshop.

Downsides of the Canon PowerShot S30 digital camera?

There a few problems that I have with the Canon PowerShot S30 digital camera. First, there can be a slight delay between some pictures that may last 1-2 seconds.

Second, the back view finder scratches easily. So make sure you get a camera case. If it scratches too much, you may as well get a new camera because it costs so much to replace.

Third, if you use the view finder a lot, your batteries will die fairly quickly. So learn how to turn off the view finder in between shots.

Fourth, there are low light problems. If you are wanting to take pictures in low light settings, you'll find it difficult to do without a tripod or a flash. While this is pretty standard for cameras, I wish there was a way to increase the film speed. I figured out one Canon PowerShot S30 digital camera trick to compensate, use the Action setting. It typically captures pictures at a higher speed which can help you in low light settings.

Cost Analysis of the Canon PowerShot S30 digital camera

Overall, I'd say the Canon PowerShot S30 digital camera is bargain for the money. With all the little add-ons, expect it to cost about $550, but even that is a great deal. And I think it'll serve me well for many years to come!

Bard Marc Gunn plays Celtic folk music with the Brobdingnagian Bards. He writes poetry and lyrics, and captures pictures of nature, people, beauty and the mysterious. A hopeless romantic and folk singer/songwriter and breathes new life into traditional Irish and Scottish music, and shares his Celtic folk music, poetry and pictures freely to any who ask. Subscribe to his newsletters for free gifts, including: MP3s, CDs, eBooks, and more.

Next Gigs: (details)

Apr 22-24, AggieCon, College Station, TX

May 13-14, Irish Dragoon Pub - 7:30pm to 11:30pm, Killeen, TX

May 20-22, OPUS Fantasy Arts Festival, Denver , CO

Aug 27, Shakespeare Fundraiser Party - 6:30pm to 10pm, Austin , TX