Marc Gunn - Celtic American Music, Celtic Podcaster, and Cat Lover

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.com eBay Auction Gone MAD! and Other Ridiculous Websites


A friend sent me a link to an ebay site that read, Size 12 Wedding Dress/Gown No Reserve. She told me to read the text. So I did. The text posted by this guy was absolutely hilarious. Read it if ye get a chance.

In he says,

For Sale: One Slightly Used Size 12 Wedding Gown. Only worn twice: Once at the wedding and once for these pictures.

And then goes on to tell how he's glad to have ditched his ex-wife. It's bloody comical as hell, but the real kicker to me is that eighteen hours before the auction is to end, and the webpage has had over 1.5 million hits and this $1200 wedding dress has a bid of $800,000.00.

I don't know what the rules on eBay or whether someone will actually be paying a hundred million dollars. Seems absolutely ridiculous, but ye can't argue with the incredible viral marketing success of this page.

In just a few days, this unknown comedian horseplaypublishing has catapulted himself from anonymity and just about earned celebrity status if he so chooses. And he's not alone. Here's another webpage someone put together that made some decent money for some absolutely ridiculous pages.

How about Mahir?
Mahir is some lonely, sex-crazed Turk who put together a simple I Kiss You webpage, and somehow turned it into a goldmine. His homepage reads:

Ma·hir (Maa-heer) : 1. First internet celebrity of the world. 2. King of blogging.

Read on and he's been listed in Guinness Records, Forbes, been on TV, and he even has his own CD and music video!!! Is that just crazy or what?

Then there's Save Karyn
Karyn was an irresponsible credit card own who turned to e-panhandling to pay off her excessive shopping debt. She earned over $20,000 with her simple webpage, Karyn's success sparked dozens of duplicate sites, including my own Save a Bard Foundation. :-)

(though mine was a dismal failure... ah well...)

Well if you have an eBay Auction Gone Mad or a webpage that just doesn't deserve to be popular, please drop me a line. I'd love to hear about it and share a good laugh.
