Marc Gunn Journal Articles: What is Filk Music?My Introduction to Filk MusicAbout three years ago, Andrew and I were performing at a wedding held at the Texas Renaissance Festival for Jack Scratch and wife. And with a bright smile Jack said, "I love that you guys play filk." "Huh? Filk? What's that?" "You don't know what filk is? It's the type music you play." What is Filk?That was the first time I was introduced to filk music. I still didn't quite understand what it was, but a wee bit o'research online, and I realized, "Yes, we do play Filk music, and I've been singing it for YEARS!" Filk is music about Science Fiction and Fantasy topics. It's kinda folk music for the Sci Fi world. Filk music includes everything from song praodies with Sci Fi themes to original pieces written with Science Fiction and Fantasy themes. Course, our specialty has been more with the Fantasy themes than the Science Fiction (though Sci Fi often also includes Fantasy). Since I started playing Dungeons & Dragons in Junior High, I was writing Fantasy pieces and listening to "Wierd Al" Yankovic. It wasn't until the Brobdingnagian Bards started playing Celtic music that I really started to write music for a specific period. Songs like "The Bridge" and "When She Held Me in Her Arms" were songs I wrote to sound "Celtic" so that I could have original songwriting performed at Renaissance Festivals. But it wasn't until I-CON that I realized that those two were Filk songs. Following the footsteps of our friends, Emerald Rose, we went to I-CON in New York. There we realized just how much filk music we actually wrote and performed. Even a lot of traditional Celtic music, though not filk music, is enjoyed and adored by the Sci Fi and Fantasy communities. What are some of our original Filk songs?Well, I started going through a list and here are a bunch of our original Filk songs that encompass the Fantasy music aspect. Then, I've added links to some other cool filks we play, followed by a few cool Celtic songs that make great filks, though in actuality, they actually are from times long ago. My Original Filk Music The
Psychopathic, Chronic, Schizophrenic Gollum Blues Other Filks We PerformA
Fairy Story Celtic Songs that Feign Great Filk Music aka Celtic Comedy Bog
Down in the Valley More Filk Music Resources
A Bard's Celtic
Lyric Directory Filkers (Filk music performers)Brobdingnagian
Bards Renaissance in Celtic Music : My Celtic music group where
I perform most of my filk music, and we perform many of the others
listed here. |