Demand to See Marc Gunn Live!

I'm working on my schedule for next year. I have a few holes to fill which is why I'm looking for places to do house concerts in Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee and North Florida. However, I was recently struck by the idea of doing house concerts anywhere in the world using crowdfunding.

Crowdfunding is what I've done for my past several CDs. It's what Kickstarter is all about. The idea is that a bunch of dedicated fans pre-purchase tickets to get me to an area of the world. However, there are several hurdles that need to be addressed:

  1. Where are there enough Gunn Runners willing to make it happen?
  2. When can we make it happen?
  3. How much will it cost?

I'm looking at potential dates right now. January is pretty open for gigs. Cost will depend on where it is. So the big issue is where? And I think the best way to conquer that is to find out where you  are willing to see me. I use a website for that very purpose.

Head over to and make a demand. Then tell all your local friends and fellow Gunn Runners to do the same. If I can 15-20 demands for a region, I might be able to put together a Kickstarter plan to raise the money that will bring me to you!

So go. Make a demand!