Green Dragon Sighting : Hunting Dragons


It's been a while since I last published the Dragons vs. Pirates podcast. It's time to get off my arse and finish the job I started. The album is slowly proceeding forward. Over half of the songs are now recorded for the album. The latest was a Murphy shanty called “How Do We Steal From A Mighty Dragon”. Stay tuned and keep listening. I hope to have a new episode out every week until it is finished. *knock on wood*

Day 28. I haven’t written anything down lately, because we have been so busy! There have been a lot of red sightings–apparently, they are the most common–at least in this region. We haven’t actually caught one, which is all to the good as far as I am concerned. But it is making the pirates a bit touchy. I have been trying to raise their spirits with a lot of dragon-catching songs…though I would rather be writing “Save the Dragons” songs.

There was a green dragon sighted today over a thick forest–this was a major deal! The greens are always really common in books and movies, but in real life, they are super rare. Trust me, seeing a green was terribly exciting. We sailed low over the trees chasing it, and all of a sudden–there were bullets ricocheting everywhere! We couldn’t see anyone in the forest, but someone down there was shooting at us with guns. They sounded like elephant guns. I was terrified! One of those bullets could have made my boys motherless. That thought kept my head down… almost to the deck.

Luckily, the dragon got away. Thank goodness! Something that beautiful and majestic deserves to live a long and happy life… but don’t tell Murphy I said that.

I am really hoping that the fact we haven’t managed to bag a dragon yet will make the pirates give up and go home soon. I'm so tired of flying…