How I Fell in Love with Hobbits

It was the 6th grade when I first watched the Rankin & Bass animated version of The Hobbit.  My 6th grade had one big room broken up into large cubicles for teaching.  When the movie came on, everyone gathered in the common area.  The blinds were closed.  The movie began.

I remember being mesmerized by this story unlike anything else I had seen since Star Wars.  After school, I jumped off the bus with a library copy of the book to read at home.

I'm not entirely sure what it was about the story that fascinated me so.  However, the following year I started playing Dungeons & Dragons.  One of my first characters was a Halfling thief named Rat.  He quickly flew up the ranks in our little Monty Hall campaign and became a hero in our world.  But why Halflings?

I kinda wonder if it has to do with how small and insignificant I felt in junior high and high school.  I was scrawny kid with that one big bully that most geeks had.  Tyrone was in almost seven out of eight my classes in the 7th grade.  I hated going to school, even after the big fight that left a huge knot on his head.

Sure my English teacher quietly thanked me in the hallway, but I was terrified of retribution.  I think that's one of the reasons I never left a defeated enemy alive when I played Dungeons & Dragons.  I was too frightened of what they might do to me later.

As a result, I stayed at home playing D&D until I moved my senior year.  Even when I escaped my geeky persona of San Antonio and felt relatively “cool” on the military base in Italy, I still felt connected with hobbits.  It's a feeling ingrained in me, I guess. The underdog.

Whatever the reason, it affected me.  When I started writing songs for the Brobdingnagian Bards' album Memories of Middle Earth, most of the songs and tunes I wrote for the album were about hobbits.

Now I'm working on Don't Go Drinking With Hobbits.  I find myself slipping into character, trying to think like a hobbit as to what they would sing about at home, in the gardens, pubs or out in Party Field.  There's a simple life with no desire to roam the wild world or seek danger.  It's a quite lifestyle with a love of home and family.  It's my motto: good food, good drink, good company.  It's warm and caring.  It's fun and playful.  It's scrumptious food.

It's like… this is an autobiographical album about me.