Molly Malone (Lyrics, cat song parody)

by Emilee Rush, December 4, 2004

The great Irish ghost story is reborn as we hear about how Ms. Malone was also very kind to the cats of Dublin. It was written for my Irish Drinking Songs for Cat Lovers CD.

In Dublin's fair city, when I was a kitty,
I first cast my gaze on sweet Molly Malone,
I was but a kitten, but I was quiet smitten,
With her cockles and mussels
Alive alive-o

alive alive-o, alive alive-o
sparing cockles and mussels
alive alive-o

She was a fish monger
feeding cats who did wander
just like her father and mother before
and they all wheeled their barrows
feeding cats fat and narrow
sharing cockles and mussels
Alive alive-o

She died of a fever, nine lives couldn't save her
the cats we did mourn for sweet Molly Malone
now her ghost wheels her barrow
feeding cats fat and narrow
sharing cockles and mussels
Alive alive-o