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Date: February 10, 2005
Subject: [Marc's Musings] The Irish, Cats, Me, and Synchronicity

Marc's Musings
Marc Gunn's Homepage

- Feature Poem: A Silent Meow
- Musings: The Irish, Cats, Me, and Synchronicity

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Marc's Musings

Greetings <:firstname:>,

I had an Italian friend over tonight. We had a nice relaxing Italian dinner, the kind that takes a few hours. I can't begin to tell you how nice it was.

The food. That's definitely one of the things I miss majorly about Italy. There's nothing like it. So I dug up another poem I wrote that was inspired by cats and Italy. And I have another idea for a my cat CD cover, but first...

Last Chance to Bid on My Cat on eBay

My apologies to anyone who freaked out when they saw I was "auctioning my cat." hehe... yes, it's only an artistic picture painted of him.

What am I saying... only! It was the perfect likeness of him today while I was sitting on my couch watching Mysts of Avalon. He walked up with a foam ball in this mouth. Dropped it out of my reach. Then looked up at me with those beautiful eyes. "Daddy," he said, "I wanna play fetch."

Yes, it meant I had to stretch to pick up the ball and throw it, but if you had to look at those cute eyes, you'd do it too!

Any case, just one more day until the eBay auction is over. Considering, I talked to a producer yesterday, I sure could use some additional $$ putting out the CD. Gabriela is offering me 50% of the sales. A special thanks to everyone who's bidding on it!

Cats Drinking Guinness? Oh my!

LOL. While I enjoyed the photos I took last weekend, to me, none of them really suited my vision for the CD cover of Irish Drinking Songs for Cat Lovers.

Sure, I was thinking about superimposing my cats on to the cover. Then I got an email from my mom, a drug and alcohol counselor. Her comments were amusing to hear, but they sparked my imagination for an even better CD cover.

Why feature feature me and my cats drinking beer. Instead, picture a pub with my cats and I sitting over three glasses of milk, lapping it up?

The idea isn't totally developed. What do you think? Any ideas that you think might really add to the idea of the CD?

The Irish, Cats, Me, and Synchronicity

I got an email from a fan this week that really blew me away. Talk about synchronicity. Patricia manages, and she was quick to point out how brilliant my cat CD is. Not just because there are cats and Celtic music.

Ye see, March 17 is not just my birthday and St. Patrick's Day. It's also St. Gertrude's Day. St Gertrude is the Patron Saint of Cats!

The links keep coming together. I admit it.I can't help but wonder if this CD project isn't divine will. Well, happily I've started recording.


Big helping of catnip behind the ear. Mreow!


Marc's Lyrics & Poetry

A Silent Meow
by Marc Gunn, December 30, 2004

There's something about visiting a city like Rome that combines over 2,000 years of history withcats who've been around much longer. Add to that a little romance, and you have the makings of this lovely bilingual poem.

E basta?
Will you sleep tonight?
When you awake
Will you remember
E cambia la mente?
Decide che this was exhaustion,
A passing romance
That disappears with the
   morning crows of un fidanzato.
Or something more?
Like un gatto
That rests on a pillarof time,
A monument to two thousand
   years of civilization
Brought together beneath
The soft paws of a silent meow.

Like this poem?
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About Marc Gunn

Do Marc's Musings ever inspire you?
If so, there's something you can do.
Help me out. Pass the inspiration on.
Share with others, and I'll keep sharing songs.

Marc Gunn is a musician, photographer, poet, author, American Scotsman, songwriter, music download connoisseurs, web designer, Rennie, online entrepreneur, and a bunch of other labels that don't a whole lot, but all entirely independent.

The world is dominated by massive organizations that strangle the life out of the independent arts. You can stop it at the source. Your good will and support of the arts through kind donations, purchases, and friendly word of mouse will make your feel great!

February 10, 2005

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Auction on eBay: Portrait of Tiziano the Tabby Cat

by Gabriela Avila. About the painting: 8.5 x 11" colored pencils on canson paper. This piece is now being auctioned on eBay. 50% of the income generated goes towards the Cat CD.

Marc's Magazines & Articles

Marc's Musings Archive

Irish Drinking Songs for Cat Lovers

101 Romantic Ideas (Valentine's Gift pdf 414k)

St Patrick's Day Music & Poetry, Start Celebrating Now

Free Gifts When You Download Soul of a Harper

Confirmed for I-Con in New York

There's a Leprechaun in a Cartoon, I Think He's a Buffoon

Review: "Celtic Wedding" by The Chieftains

North Texas Irish Festival 2005

Review: "A Place Among the Stones" by Davy Spillane



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