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Date: March 3, 2005
Subject: [Marc's Musings] Pre-Adopt a Cat CD

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Marc Gunn's Homepage

- Feature Poem: Stories and Glaggle
- Musings: Pre-Adopt a Cat CD

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Marc's Musings

Greetings <:firstname:>,

Boy, I've been busy these past few weeks. I'm not recording every day, but it sure feels like it sometimes. The great thing is I am making great progress.

I have basic tracks for sixteen songs laid for my CD, Irish Drinking Songs for Cat Lovers. Course, there will be a lot of changes coming up. Monday, I met with a producer for my cat CD. He listened to a few track and loved the concept. So we plan to release a three-song single in April. The purpose of the single is a promotional tool to raise money for the final album, because... the album will cost a pretty penny--$8,000.

The exciting thing is that now that I have basic tracks complete, I am confident I will have the CD available at the end of the summer, like i expected.

So without further ado...

You Can Now Pre-Adopt Your Cat CD

I am already talking to business sponsors for the CD, but Pre-Orders will help me take the CD a long way. And as a special incentive, I am giving away some cool freebies to people who sponsor the album. For as little as $25, you will receive a Celtic Cat Pint Glass featuring my new Cat logo. (see the picture on the right)

Go read how you can adopt a CD and get some cool cat gifts in the process.

Oh! I just got six black t-shirts in the mail (all size Large) with my Soul of a Harper CD cover on them. The first six people to donate $40 or more will get one of these limited-edition T-shirts.

Finding More Helping Paws

If I'm to pull this off, I'll need sponsors. So if you know of any cat or Celtic businesses who might be interested, please email me the business name, the name of a contact person, email address, and phone number.

If you can stop by and tell them about the CD too, that would be a marvelous way to see if they would want to help further.

North Texas Irish Festival This Weekend

I am heading up to the North Texas Irish Festival this weekend. Look for me in my kilt. I will be there as press for my Celtic MP3s Music Magazine. One of my writers and an Irish sessioner from New York, Michelle Osborne, will be there as well. We hope to get some great interviews this weekend!


Meows and Slainte!


Marc's Lyrics & Poetry

Stories and Glaggle
by Marc Gunn, January 25, 2005

Back in college, I created a word called "glaggle." I just liked the sound of it. This poem was inspired by reading a book in bed with my cats playing on top of me, while I remembered my own days of Yore... or is that Your... College, she said. (Don't worry, it's not supposed to make sense.)

They permeate our lives.
B.S. mixed with broken hearts.
Everyone has a story to tell.
Some short, some long,
Some how they disappear
For the meaninglessness
Of some insignificant ramblings of
Feline psychosis
We babble, therefore, we are.

I remember that.
That meaningless word I made up
To give meaning to stupid crap that
I can't describe.
Non-flowing, fluid motion,
Hypocrisies and ironies
Laid down to feed the mind
Something other than ferret dookie
On a cowboy hat with extra hot salsa and chili.

Like this poem?
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About Marc Gunn

Do Marc's Musings ever inspire you?
If so, there's something you can do.
Help me out. Pass the inspiration on.
Share with others, and I'll keep sharing songs.

Marc Gunn is a musician, photographer, poet, author, American Scotsman, songwriter, music download connoisseurs, web designer, Rennie, online entrepreneur, and a bunch of other labels that don't a whole lot, but all entirely independent.

The world is dominated by massive organizations that strangle the life out of the independent arts. You can stop it at the source. Your good will and support of the arts through kind donations, purchases, and friendly word of mouse will make your feel great!

March 3, 2005

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Dancing Celtic Cat Logo

AThis new logo was created by my friend Ingrid Houwers ) for my Celtic MP3s Music Magazine and my latest project "Irish Drinking Songs for Cat Lovers".

Marc's Magazines & Articles

Marc's Musings Archive

Irish Drinking Songs for Cat Lovers

The Secret World of Celtic Rock

The Cat Music Blog

First (and Last?) Podcast

New Celtic MP3s/Cat Logo

Out of the Ordinary Tuesday Evening

St Patrick's Day Party Music

St Patrick's Day Music Downloads

Best-Selling St Patrick's Day Music CD Sells Out

"Soul of a Harper" CD Review



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