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Date: August 1, 2005
Subject: [Marc's Musings] Firefly Shindigs and DragonCon Mischief

Marc's Musings
Marc Gunn's Homepage

- Feature Poem: A Tiny Cafe of My Heart
- Musings: Firefly Shindigs and DragonCon Mischief

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Marc's Musings

Greetings <:firstname:>,

This was an exciting weekend. I was invited on Saturday to play a dead person in a new independent movie called Deadbacks.

Afterward, I was invited to come back today and do an additional role as a hunter in the movie... where I was eaten alive by dead people! :)

It was too cool. My first professional role in a movie. I'm just red with excitement... and blood stains.

Firefly Shindigs and DragonCon Mischief

About a month ago, I was introduced to Firefly, a television show by Joss Whedon that was cancelled three years ago. The show is like a Sci Fi Western and features some of the best scriptwriting around. The show exploded in underground popularity after it was cancelled. A new movie based on the TV show is due out on September 30th.

The show is my latest passion. I watch the DVDs more than I do my Red Dwarf DVDs, which says a lot in itself. Well, most of the cast of Firefly will be at DragonCon. I so hope I get the chance to meet them, because happily, the Brobdingnagian Bards will return for our fourth year at DragonCon.

This year, I think will be a pivotal year for us. We've built a huge following at DragonCon, but due to the growth of the con and the need for changes, we need to insure we can come back next year. So I want to start our own Firefly-like grassroots promotion to get our name out at DragonCon and throughout the world.

You see, Brobdingnagian Fairy Tales features many of our most-popular fantasy folk songs that are so popular at Science Fiction conventions. Most notable is the Jedi Drinking Song. We've had hundreds of fans beg us to record that song on a CD. It finally is. Now we want you to download it for free and to give it to everyone you know who is a fan of Star Wars.

The other thing I'd like you to do is to make a request for it on Dr Demento. Also, email your local radio station morning show and request them to play it there as well. They won't have the CD, but it will get the word out and make them look for it. You can make it a wee bit easier by sending them straight to the Brobdingnagian Bards website to download it.

#1 Top Selling CD on CDBaby

I have yet to say thanks. Thank you, thank you, thank you! The CD release of Brobdingnagian Fairy Tales was a smashing success. We spent a week and a half as the #1 Top Selling CD on CDBaby. Now we're #2. The CD continues to sell quite well. That makes me so happy.

I love making music. I love sharing it as well. That's why I spend so much time recording podcasts and CDs and telling people it. It is humbling to know that people enjoy my music and artistic creations as much as I enjoy creating it.

I am truly blessed. Thank you!


If you have a free moment, please drop me an email and say, "mreow!" Slainte!
- Marc


Marc's Lyrics & Poetry

A Tiny Cafe of My Heart
by Marc Gunn

How I miss my home in Italy. This poem was inspired by a day dream about past adventures.

Light groggily peeks into the bedroom window.
A radio moans a distant hum.
Early morning ammonite fantasies awaken.
They arouse the mind
As temporal reflections of discarded
Pale next to warm renderings of shadowed
Thus the glow, the hope
Only to be swallowed by intimate minds
 activated by
Reading stories of Euclidean chivalry
Brought to light by dull shadows of
                      Curious Ascension.

Climbing the stairs of Botticelli affluence,
Dreaming of Italian homes,
Narrow streets,
And long walks
Among the feline caterwauling and
Earth shattering love under
Open skies and stallwart sighs while
Sipping espresso in a tiny cafe of my heart.

Like this poem? Share your thoughts.
You may also enjoy my book Bella Filiocht.


About Marc Gunn

Do Marc's Musings ever inspire you?
If so, there's something you can do.
Help me out. Pass the inspiration on.
Share with others, and I'll keep sharing songs.

Marc Gunn is a musician, photographer, poet, author, American Scotsman, songwriter, music download connoisseurs, web designer, Rennie, online entrepreneur, and a bunch of other labels that don't a whole lot, but all entirely independent.

The world is dominated by massive organizations that strangle the life out of the independent arts. You can stop it at the source. Your good will and support of the arts through kind donations, purchases, and friendly word of mouse will make your feel great!

August 1, 2005

Published 1-4 times per month. To manage your subscription, see the end of this newsletter.


Listen now!
"Jedi Drinking Song"
Listen: LoFi  HiFi
Download: MP3
Buy CD: Brobdingnagian Fairy Tales

Celtic Radio
All-request Celtic music internet radio. Listen, request, and rate my music online.
Listen Now!

The Autoharps by Nancy e. Pearsall
Cat CD Test Cover
by Kristen Roger. The current top pick out of three tentative covers for my Irish Drinking Songs for Cat Lovers CD. What do you think?

Marc's Magazines & Articles

Marc's Musings Archive

Pub Songs Podcast

Bella Filìocht

"The Ballad of Joss" New Recording of the Song

Renaissance Festival Podcast

Celtic MP3s Music Magazine Podcast

Cat Lovers T-Shirt

Dear Diary, Today I was eaten alive...



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