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Date: February 6, 2006
Subject: [Marc's Musings] Friends of Irish Music

Marc's Musings
Marc Gunn's Homepage

- Feature Poem: Friends of Irish Music
- Musings: Ren Faire CD Release, Dublin Interviews and MP3 Albums

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Marc's Musings

Greetings <:firstname:>,

I'm sitting in Fado's Irish Pub listening to The Tea Merchants play. The band was introducing the next song and dedicating it to the Bachlorette Party taking place this very evening. The first tune in the set--"The Clumsy Lover". LOL


I remember when I first started playing music with The Bards. My goal was to make one person happy. If we brought joy to just one person then I knew our show was success.

By those standards, the Delaware House Concert was a rousing success. The house was far from full, but the audience was amazing. The performance was solid. And everyone had a great time. Plus, my mom got to see a full show for the first time. That was very cool.

Now we're gearing for a new year. Andrew's out booking gigs, and we have a few already listed on the website. My personal hope is that we have a LOT more house concerts this year.

I love house concerts. They are the most-personable shows, where we get to interact first-hand with our audience. There's nothing greater than that.

If you're interested in hosting one that's near one of our current gigs , check out this webpage on hosting house concerts then email Andrew at


If you've listened to the Renaissance Festival Podcast, you may've heard about this CD. It's a new compilation of Renaissance festival artists called The Circle. It features 22 tracks from some of the hottest Ren Faire groups around the nation. ALL the profits benefit the Red Cross for Hurricane Katrina Relief.

On February 18th, the Brobdingnagian Bards are joining the Bedlam Bards to celebrate the release of the album. This should be a spectacular event and if anyone wants to help me promote it. I welcome your help!

February 18, 2006
Mother Egan's Irish Pub @ 7-10PM
Location: 715 West 6th St.
City: Austin, Texas
Phone #: 512.478.7747

Pick up your copy of The Circle in the Celtic Music CD Store.

Oh! And if all goes well, we might be able to score a monthly gig in Austin. So if you're in the area, drop me come on down.

And if you're not busy the Saturday before Valentine's Day, I'm going to perform a solo show at Things Celtic with romantic songs galore, some of my favorites. So come join me.

February 11, 2006
Things Celtic @ Noon-1 PM
1806 W. 35th Street
Austin, TX 78703


While I impatiently wait for Irish Drinking Songs for Cat Lovers to be added to iTunes. I found that now sells MP3s. So I have my own MP3 Album store there.

But even more exciting is all the interviews I received after my last press release went out about my Cat CD a few weeks back. I had a few newspaper interviews and two radio interviews. One was even in Dublin!

That was trip! It's just a shame I couldn't do the interview in person.

Ah well. At least it's out there. Hopefully, I'll get a wee bit more promotion come St. Patrick's Day.


Drop me a line and say, "mreow!" Slainte!
- Marc


Marc's Lyrics & Poetry

Friends of Irish Music
by Marc Gunn

They say you should write what you know. I know the online Celtic music community. My Irish music friendships grow every year. So I thought it was about time I wrote a poem or song about it. Complete with links to the relevant bands. Slainte!

On a grassy mall, I sat playing songs,
When people started gathering to listen.
They showered me with tapes
Of The Wolfe Tones, The Dubliners and their mates
They taught me new songs to sing.

On the web our music flew.
On our friendships grew.
We opened the immigrant door
With Emerald Rose, The Rogues, and more.
The music took on new meaning.

I met Bow Triplets and befriended Vicky Swan
The competition I once felt dissolved.
I wanted only to help those who needed me.
So I published marketing tips and wrote a Celtic magazine.
My soul is happier with the change.

Years have passed and the music lasts.
As I record podcasts for friends and fans.
Amidst pints and songs unknown
With Tea Merchants, Doc Grauzer, and Celtic Stone
I find respite in the friends I’ve made.

Like this poem? Share your thoughts.
You may also enjoy my book Bella Filiocht.


About Marc Gunn

Do Marc's Musings ever inspire you?
If so, there's something you can do.
Help me out. Pass the inspiration on.
Share with others, and I'll keep sharing songs.

Marc Gunn is a musician, photographer, poet, author, American Scotsman, songwriter, music download connoisseurs, web designer, Rennie, online entrepreneur, and a bunch of other labels that don't mean a whole lot but are all entirely independent.

The world is dominated by massive organizations that strangle the life out of the independent arts. You can stop it at the source. Your good will and support of the arts through kind donations, purchases, and friendly word of mouse will make your feel great!

Feb 1, 2006

Published 1-4 times per month. To manage your subscription, see the end of this newsletter.


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Marc's Magazines & Articles

Marc's Musings Archive

SONG HENGE - the Celtic Music Archive
(find a couple of songs by me that are unavailable anywhere else)

Renaissance Festival Performer Awards Coming This Week

Irish & Celtic Music Podcast

Marc' s Soundclick MP3 Album Store

Brobdingnagian Bards on iTunes

New Blog on

St Patrick's Day Party

Mother Egan's Celtic Brunch

Irish Valentine's Day MP3

Delaware House Concert and Trip to Virginia

New Ren Fest Podcast Phone Number 512-879-NEWT

Special Message from Peter S. Beagle, Author of The Last Unicorn



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