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Date: March 10, 2006
Subject: [Marc's Musings] St Patrick's Day Birthday

Marc's Musings
Marc Gunn's Homepage

- Feature Poem: Do Not Call Registry - Violators Will Be Dealt With
- Musings: My Birthday, Upcoming Shows

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Marc's Musings

Greetings <:firstname:>,

I just got back from the North Texas Irish Festival. What a brilliant time I had! Music, music and more music. Plus, I did interviews and collected promos for my podcasts. I am totally ready for St. Patrick's Day next weekend. But there's still one thing I'm missing--birthday wishes from you.

I had this cool idea that since St Patrick's Day is also my birthday, it would be way cool to get a bunch of Happy Birthday voice mail messages that I can play at the end of the Brobdingnagian Bards' Podcast. So if you'd like to record one, call 512-879-NEWT (6398) and leave a message.


What made NTIF so cool? Yes, I listened to a lot of great music. But I also joined the sessions. I am learning out to play bodhran (an Irish drum) right now. So I swapped back and forth between bodhran and autoharp. It was rockin'!

It was also amazing to see how many people recognized me. There are a lot of new podcast listeners out there. Course, I have five. Four that I release with any degree of regularity. In a world that seems rather disconnected since fans can listen at their leisure, that's just very cool.

I also ran into a number of fans of my cat CD. I suspect we'll meet many more right after St. Pat's when we perform at All-Con up in Dallas. And then the week after that we head to one of my favorite places, Long Island, for I-Con.

More gigs are being added to the schedule, including a few on St Patrick's Day. So I hope you will be a part of our lives.


I heard recently that AOL is implementing a new service for their subscribers that will charge ezine publishers like me to access their members. Sadly, I can't afford that. Therefore, if you are an AOL subscriber, I would suggest you find a new email address if you want to continue receiving my ezines. Sorry for the inconvience.


St Patrick's Day is the biggest time of year for us. I need your help getting the word out. If you have a blog or a website could you write about and add links to these websites for us:

Thank you for your help.


Drop me a line and say, "mreow!" Slainte!
- Marc


Marc's Lyrics & Poetry

Do Not Call Registry - Violators Will Be Dealt With
by Marc Gunn

Not much to say. The poem kinda tells the story.

Peace returning.
I just had a phone solicitor call me.
In violation of the National Do Not Call Registry.
I collected their information,
Filed a complaint,
And now the anger and stress I felt
From dealing with U.S. Custom Forms...
Peace returning.

Like this poem? Share your thoughts.
You may also enjoy my book Bella Filiocht.


About Marc Gunn

Do Marc's Musings ever inspire you?
If so, there's something you can do.
Help me out. Pass the inspiration on.
Share with others, and I'll keep sharing songs.

Marc Gunn is a musician, photographer, poet, author, American Scotsman, songwriter, music download connoisseurs, web designer, Rennie, online entrepreneur, and a bunch of other labels that don't mean a whole lot but are all entirely independent.

The world is dominated by massive organizations that strangle the life out of the independent arts. You can stop it at the source. Your good will and support of the arts through kind donations, purchases, and friendly word of mouse will make your feel great!

Mar 10, 2006

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