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Date: October 8, 2007
Subject: [Marc's Musings] New CDs and an Exciting Chance to Be #1

Marc's Musings
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MARC'S MUSINGS -- October 8, 2007

- Marc's Music News
- Help Brobdingnagian Bards Hit #1
- New CD: LIVE - Nex Monoceroti, Per Risibus
- New CD: Three Movie and TV Songs for Geeks Like Me
- New MP3 - "A Rabbit for Halloween"
- Brobdingnagian Bards at Middlefaire This Weekend
- Musical Growth

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Marc's Musings

LIVE: Nex Monoceroti Per RisibusGreetings <:firstname:>,

New CD! New CD! And you can help make it #1 by ordering the CD today! Here goes...


Yes, the Brobdingnagian Bards new album, "LIVE: Nex Monoceroti, Per Risibus" is now on sale at CD Baby. WOOHOO!!

I've been waiting for this for a long while now because I wanted to do a special promotion for the album. The last time we did promo for an album, "Brobdingnagian Fairy Tales", it shot up to #1 on CD Baby's charts beating out tons of amazing bands. We want to do that again. So all this week, this fun, new, live CD is on sale. And we would love Your help to make the album number one. Just purchase the CD or MP3s on CD Baby. If we can pull in a good 100-120 sales in the next couple of days, we will meet our goal.

We started this promo today, and we're nearly halfway there. So please help us hit #1 and purchase a copy of this fun new CD by the Brobdingnagian Bards.

And hey! While you're there, you can pick up a copy of my new single Three Movie and TV Songs for Geeks Like Me. It was just released on CD Baby today!

Listen and download the lead track, "A Rabbit for Halloween" in the MarcSongs Podcast. I'm excited that this Bugs Bunny filk is ready to go for Halloween. Enjoy! And feel free to share it with others.


All went well this weekend at Middlefaire. I was easily able to pull off four solo shows a day at a Renaissance festival. My first time ever. I didn't know I had it in me.

While it was nice being able to play my cat songs, which the Bards never play, I must admit Andrew was greatly missed. He adds so much to the faire musical experience. So I'm looking forward to this weekend when he will join me in Hillsboro for the final weekend of the faire.

Also stay tuned this week to the Pub Songs Podcast. I plan to record another live show very soon. Meantime, remember to Demand Me and the Brobdingnagian Bards, and mayhaps we will see you at a venue near you.


Bella_Filiocht-150x200 MUSICAL GROWTH
A woman approached me this weekend and told me how cool it was to finally see me live. She first heard about the Brobdingnagian Bards back in 1999, our first year playing music. Then she sailed around the world with the Navy came back last year and exclaimed, "Now everyone knows who you are!"

It's exciting to see musical growth. I love turning dreams into reality and to look back and see how far I've come since those days when I played guitar, plugged into my tiny Peavey amp. Whoa! You wouldn't recognize me.

Now I have CDs, books, wooden mugs, podcasts, and even plan tours of Ireland in my life. And the development continues as I start adding a little bodhran (a type of Celtic drum) into the mix. Who knows what the future has in store? But I'm hoping for big things.

Then again, maybe that CD title I was planning works better, "Folk Music with Delusions of Grandeur". Hmm? Well, we'll see.

Thanks for supporting my music. Slainte!
- Marc Gunn


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Marc Gunn is a musician, photographer, poet, author, American Scotsman, songwriter, music download connoisseurs, web designer, Rennie, online entrepreneur, and a bunch of other labels that don't mean a whole lot but are all entirely independent.

The world is dominated by massive organizations that strangle the life out of the independent arts. You can stop it at the source. Your good will and support of the arts through kind donations, purchases, and friendly word of mouse will make your feel great!



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