To Share or Not to Share… Blogging My Music


I've been fighting a bug since I got back from DragonCon. Kenzie is sick too. She's waking up in the middle of the night, multiple times. The sleep deprivation is not helping me to get better.

When I don't get sleep, I go on autopilot. Sometimes, I'm even more productive than I am when I'm not sick. I do the mind-numbing tasks that I don't like. In fact, I finished a few projects in the past few days. However, I also waste time on things that are not that important. My biggest time waster over the past couple o' days is reading through my past blogs.

I was listening to small business podcasts on my recent travels to Atlanta and Indianapolis. They put the bug in me to release eBooks. I have a couple hobbit-related ones in the work.

However, one blogger suggested that you use articles from old blog posts. That's great in theory. The problem is that my blog is filled with mostly promotional stuff–gigs, CDs, and what's happening with music. Most of the blogs (at least since 2008), are not all that great for eBook content. Yes, I decided to re-read my old blog posts.

I used to  write a lot more article-style blogs. I actually found some fairly interesting ones. I'm still not certain I could create an eBook with them though. Let alone, create something folks would want to read. (Oh yeah, that's kinda of essential too). I did, however, come across a blog idea that I can do to reinvigorate my current blog.

You see, I have about 15 solo albums that are currently available. With an average of 14 tracks per album, that's about 210 songs (at present) that are currently available on a CD. Why don't I re-share those songs on my blog. A song a week.

Let's see. One song a week, and 56 weeks in a year, and 210 songs… Hmmm. Maybe TWO songs a week.

You get the idea, there's a LOT of music I can share… So think I might just do that.

But then, I barely have enough time for what I do as is. Hmmm….

If nothing else, I might be able to update my online Songbook.

Let me know what you think?

Breathe. Love. Listen. Laugh. Share. Enjoy freedom!

4 comments on “To Share or Not to Share… Blogging My Music

  1. Wow… con crud sucks big time. Good energy and get-well thoughts for you and your little girl! And break a leg at the Bards reunion show!

  2. Thanks Anna. It wasn’t that bad. Just a hurty throat. Hopefully, Kenzie was better than that. She slept mostly through the night, last night. Aside from waking up at 5am… Now if only she’ll get back to sleeping to 6, I’ll be happy.

  3. Hope you guys are better soon!

    Would the e-book be non-fiction or fiction?
    I’m assuming non-fiction… maybe a How-To? I’ve noticed from reading past blog posts that you give great advice about marketing and the music biz

  4. Right now, that would be non-fiction. I am still planning a music marketing biz and one day I’ll finish that too. It’s taking forever to edit.

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