I-CON Sci Fi Convention
2002 was the first time I ever went to a science fiction convention. That Sci Fi convention was I-Con. The first year, I felt like I was home. I made some amazing friends. I laughed and sang. I think it even snowed that first year. I can’t imagine not being at I-Con. So I did my best, and succeeded at getting booked once again at the the Northeast’s largest convention of Science Fiction, Fact and Fantasy.
I-Con is a 3-day convention of science fiction, fact and fantasy and related genres, attended by over 7,000 people each year. Guests from film and TV, Authors, artists and scientists, speak and meet with I-con’s members in a causal setting. Games, events, demonstrations, performances, awards, films and shows are also showcased during the 3 day convention.
March or April
Stonybrook University
Stonybrook, NY
Past Years Attended: 2012, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002
Marc Gunn was Guest of Honor in 2010.
Bring Marc Gunn Back to I-Con!
I'm very sad to announce that I will not be attending I-Con in 2011. The budget is tight for the convention, and I have a newborn baby to take care of. So it was a mutual decision. Though I must say I'm broken-hearted about it. I-Con was my very first-ever Science Fiction Convention, and I dearly love it and all the friends I've made there.
That said, I plan to be back again in 2012, one way or another. You can help make that happen.
First, sign up to my exclusive I-Con mailing list below.
Second, grab a banner, link to this webpage and tell your fellow I-Con fans to sign up to my newsletter, visit my website, and tell them I'll be back next year.
And third, this year at I-Con, please help me out by telling your friends and fans about my website. If you'd like to hand out a bunch of Marc Gunn stickers, email me. I will send you a bunch to share.
Join Marc's Exclusive I-Con Mailing List
This newsletter goes out only to folks who attend I-Con and want to see Marc Gunn perform there.
About Marc Gunn
“Marc has a brilliant selection of both the merry and the somber to suit whatever your current mood, whether you need some cheering up or had rather drown in your own sorrow. Go ahead and draw a tub of water, light a few candles, prepare to relax and soak up some autoharp.” (Celtophilia)
Marc Gunn is an award-winning acoustic folk musician rooted in the American Celtic song tradition–-Celtic music, the Traditional and the Twisted. His musical instrument of choice-the autoharp-continues to surprise musical veterans and fans a like for it’s unique sound and spirited energy.
“[he] has the ability to generate many moods, both with his lyrics and the music. From thought provoking to jubilant” (Sixty Seven Music)
Donned “The Celtfather” by Celtic music fans, Gunn is a champion of indie Celtic music. He has given away over ten million MP3s through his music and podcasts since he began his Celtic music career in 1999. His Irish & Celtic Music Podcast has won two awards for “Best Podsafe Music” in the annual Podcast Awards and is one of the most-popular music podcasts on iTunes.
“Marc is a tireless supporter of Festival music, Celtic music and a wide array of musicians…You sir, are the Chuck Norris of Renaissance Festival Musicians” (Modern Bard)
Good food, good drink and good company. Folk ballads, Irish drinking songs, fantasy, Sci Fi, and cats on the autoharp. Let Marc Gunn fill you with fun, happiness, and beauty while connecting you to your Celtic heritage through songs, sing-alongs, stories, lyrics, and podcasts. Embrace independent Celtic music!
Check out some of my music below: