20th Anniversary Brobdingnagian Bards CD Is on Kickstarter

Twenty years ago, I asked Andrew McKee to start a band with me. We called ourselves Brobdingnagian Bards. Now we have a new CD being funded on Kickstarter.

Little did I know the success we would achieve. We did far better than most bands. We made it 9 1/2 years before we split up. We officially reunited in 2018 with exciting new plans, including a Bards Patreon page and a new CD on our mind.

I say that it's a no-brainer. It was not.

You see, CDs are on the decline. Fewer people want to own them. When the Bards started up, I figured we would release a single here and there. But a full CD? I wasn't sure there was enough interest after 10 years apart.

I spent the last year testing the interest in CDs. I released my second album of Firefly drinking songs, As Long As I'm Flyin', as a digital-only album. Digital sales were low. Streaming was not much better.

In the end, I realized a fairly significant number of people still want physical items. So we decided to launch a Kickstarter on July 1, 2019. Thirty-three hours and over a hundred people later, our album was fully funded!

Oh, and we still have 12 days left to raise more money for the CD!

That's a HUGE success to me. So let me start by saying, THANK YOU!

Thank you for showing us that creating music is worthwhile.

Thank you for telling your friends about our music.

Thank you for being you.

This is my next album. And I am extremely excited about it. It features some music that Andrew and I wrote together that was never recorded. There are some of our incredible instrumentals. It celebrates our geekiness and our love for sing alongs. It's called I Will Not Sing Along. 

If you haven't done so yet, please make a pledge right now.

Thank you!