We're just a couple days away from October 31st which marks the Celtic Halloween here in the US and Samhain for the Celts. Enjoy some amazing indie Celtic music from Ciana, Donal Clancy, Bat Kinane, Lady Prudence, Tartanic, Carolina Ceili, Damanta, Stout Pounders, Arthur Hinds, StoneRing, Before the Devil Knows Your Dead, Sylvia Platypus, Coyote Run, David Nigel Lloyd. celticmusicpodcast.com/230
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Today's show is brought to you by Celtic Invasion Vacations
Do you love Celtic music? Want to see the Celtic nations? Want to learn the truth about King Arthur and the Holy Grail? Join your podcast host, Marc Gunn, in 2016 as I lead a Celtic Invasion of Cornwall. We will explore Celtic culture and Arthurian legends. There’s still room available and you can save money if you sign up before the end of October 2015. Subscribe to the mailing list and join the invasion at CelticInvasion.com
* Thanks to the Patrons of the Podcast. Your kind and generous support keeps this show running every week. Become a Patrons at http://celticmusicpodcast.com/patron/.
Special HUGE thanks to our Celtic Superstars: Ockham's Razor, John Sharkey White II, Theresa Sullivan, Wesley R Dunnington, Anna Cylkowski, Brendan Nix, John Bilderback, Brakeing Down Security Podcast, Rian P Kegerreis, Steven, samual hill, Johnny Berry, and Shawn Cali. You folks are AMAZING! Thank you!
* You can now Vote in the Celtic Top 20
* Samhain is a Gaelic festival marking the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter or the “darker half” of the year. Traditionally, Samhain is celebrated from sunset on 31 October to sunset on 1 November, which is about halfway between the autumn equinox and the winter solstice. It is one of the four Gaelic seasonal festivals, along with Imbolc, Beltane and Lughnasadh. Historically, it was widely observed throughout Ireland, Scotland and the Isle of Man. Similar festivals are held at the same time of year in other Celtic lands; for example the Brythonic Calan Gaeaf (in Wales), Kalan Gwav (in Cornwall), and Kalan Goañv (in Brittany).
* Did you get to listen to Show #229: 2-Hours of Celtic Fiddle Music. There was a recent error if you are subscribed to the Feedburner feed that I've been using for the past 10 years. It's had a few issues over the past few years so I finally migrated the feed to Libsyn. If you are not receiving the latest episodes of the show, please go to our website to find instructions on how you can resubscribe with the corrected feed.
* Off Kilter Kilts is a new store in Pasadena, California that caters to the modern kilted gentleman (and lady). Off Kilter offers the unique experience of being able to try on and compare kilts from multiple different brands before you buy. We carry both modern utility kilts and ready-to-wear tartans, as well as a wide selection of kilting accessories. Customers can also shop our large collection of Irish, Celtic, and Faire music – with more artists being added all the time. For more information, visit our Facebook page, follow us on Twitter and Instagram @offkilterkilts, or head to our website offkilterkilts.com.
* The Irish & Celtic Music Podcast is now syndicated on Celt103.com. You'll hear it on Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays. You can see other places the podcast is syndicated on terrestrial and internet radio on our website. I'd love to hear about other stations it should be played.
* I WANT YOUR FEEDBACK: Email a written or audio comment to music@celticmusicpodcast.com or call 678-CELT-POD to leave a voicemail message. That's 678-235-8763. Or visit celticmusicpodcast.com to post a comment in the shownotes. What are you doing today while listening to the podcast? Send me pictures of what you're doing or picture of one of your travels to Ireland or Scotland
* DuoLingo is adding a Welsh lesson
Remember too, when you buy through our affiliates at Amazon or iTunes, you support the artists AND the podcast.
This Week in Celtic Music
“Matt Peoples'/Pauline Conneelly's Mulqueen's” by Ciana
from Loneliest Road
“The Monaghan Jig/Old Hag You Have Killed Me” by Donal Clancy
from Close to Home
“Cockahoof” by Bat Kinane
from The Hills Above the Valley
“She Moved Through the Faire” by Lady Prudence
from All's Faire: Songs of Love & War
“Rock Monster” by Tartanic
from Uncensored Vol. 4: Space City Con Live
Celtic Music News
“Soul Cakes” by Carolina Ceili
from 50 Shades of Green
“Port na bPucai (Song of the Fairies)” by Damanta
from The Drunken Priest and the Ghostly Hymns
“Molly Malone” by Stout Pounders
from 3 Drink Minimum
“Turn the Wheel” by Arthur Hinds
from Dance in the Fire
“Saddle Set” by StoneRing
from Samhain
Celtic Feedback
“Samhain” by Before the Devil Knows Your Dead
from Irish Goodbye
“Like a Vampire” by Sylvia Platypus
from Sylvia Platypus
“Tam Lin” by Coyote Run
from Between Wick and Flame
“The Fall of Jack O'Lantern” by David Nigel Lloyd
from Rivers, Kings, and Curses
The Irish & Celtic Music Podcast was produced by Marc Gunn, The Celtfather. To subscribe, go to iTunes or to our website where you can become a Patron of the Podcast for as little as $1 per episode. You can post feedback in the shownotes at celticmusicpodcast.com or email me music@celticmusicpodcast.com.

Hello Marc. Just wanted to say once again thank you for all the wonderful music. It really helps the miles go by as I drive across the United States. There's a picture of me a big blue and look we match. I have a few other pictures but I'm not sure if you want them here or somewhere else so please let me know. Thanks Lostboy.
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