On Preparing Autoharps and Hobbit Drinking Songs for a Hobbit Gathering

Since Kenzie is doing better, last night, I finally did some prep for ALEP2: There & Back Again.  That means, I finally fixed the chord bars on my autoharp,  I packed my costuming, and I practiced some of the new hobbit songs.  I think I finally learned “Everybody Needs a Drinking Song”.  A wee bit more practice tonight should let me know for sure.

Now I just need to practice some of the dance stuff.  I get to teach dance at the event.  I haven't really taught dancing since college, back when I was big into ballroom dance.  And round dances?  Oy!  I've only done that once.  Since I don't dance nearly enough, I need to spend time remembering the steps.

Otherwise, I'm nearly ready to go.  I drive to Kentucky on Wednesday for the event.

In the meantime, the Don't Go Drinking With Hobbits CDs are currently at the printers.  They should arrive around the 10th of October, I believe.  I will mail those out as soon as possible after that.  I also have a bunch of other wee bonus gifts I need to finish once I get back from ALEP.

Just days away.  Oh!  If you haven't yet checked out the hobbit birthday song website, give it a looksie.  It has some fun stuff.