Should I Raise Funds for Season 9 of Coffee with The Celtfather?

This has been sitting on my mind for a month. I'm having trouble making a decision on my own. So I'll ask you.

Season 9 of Coffee with The Celtfather returns next Thursday, August 5, 2021 at Noon Eastern. I'm getting all excited. I have themes planned and everything. The show will stream on YouTube as usual. However, there is an option to open it up to MORE places.

A few years back, I used to stream the show on YouTube, Twitter, and my Facebook page. I felt like a bunch of people popped in on Facebook. Now I even have a Twitch account, though I don't use it. I like reaching MORE places online when I can. Restream allows me to do that.

The problem was the cost. It costs $20 per month. That's not much. But I don't really make enough in tips or sales to really justify the extra expense. I don't need to do this. YouTube serves me well.

But…again, will I reach more fans by expanding the venues?

I thought of one way to pay for this–Kickstarter.

If my last Kickstarter was completed, I'd probably be all over it.  But alas, it's not. The Kickstarter won't be completed until this Fall. The album won't be out until next year. It sort of seems like bad form.

So my question is, if I started a small Kickstarter, one or two weeks long, to raise about $120, would you consider supporting season 9 of Coffee with The Celtfather.

What do you think?