Another Bonus for Bilbo’s Bestest Friends

Bilbo only has one Bestest Friend.  I was really hoping that more people would choose that sponsorship level.

Then it hit me.  One of those “Duhhh!” moments.  Maybe Bilbo's Bestest Friends don't want FIFTEEN awesome copies of Don't Go Drinking With Hobbits.  You may not even like fifteen people you want to share the CD with.  Who knows?

So I changed it up.  Instead of 15 copies of the CD, you can now choose to get 5 copies + the Marc Gunn Box Set, featuring all 11 of my regular albums, a couple Limited-Edition CDs, and some Celtic compilation CDs.

Not too shabby a deal, huh?

Oh! As before, if you care to upgrade your current deal, contact me.  We shall fix that right up!

If you haven't, then please go sponsor the CD today!