Help Kickstart Sci Fi Drinking Songs

Sci Fi Drinking Songs is the name of my next album. The album features Celtic music and drinking songs with a science fiction and fantasy flavor. You'll enjoy tons of Celtic Geek songs inspired by Doctor Who, Star Wars, Star Trek, Firefly, Lord of the Rings, The Muppets, zombies (including Shaun of the Dead), and Steampunk. I think this will be my most fun, laugh an-hour-a-minute album once it is done.

You can help Kickstart this album right now:

I decided to release the album once again through Kickstarter. I'm doing this for two reasons.

First, many of you already supported the album when you helped me Kickstart Scottish Songs of Drinking & Rebellion. You ROCK!

Unfortunately, as is typical with Kickstarter, I set a financial goal and then didn't account for… [fill in the blank]. That's normal. But it looks like I need about $1200 more to cover additional costs mostly musicians. I added a few extra songs and hired an extra musician for songs I didn't plan on adding musicians to. Basically, I overspent.

Second, I love to offer great deals to dedicated fans. I have a lot of Celtic Geek fans out there. You too may love Celtic music AND science fiction/fantasy. You might've missed the release of Scottish Songs of Drinking & Rebellion where you got a chance to PRE-pre-order this album. I want to thank Matt & Nykki, Kevin, Alex, Thomas, James, Cole, Jessica, Jan, Tammy, Wayne, James, Steven, Michael A., Ray, Angela, Dave, Katherine, Mary Tabitha, Kevin, Luke, Daniel, Zachary, Eric, Laura, Sheryl, Rie, Margaret, Harold, Jennifer, Jennifer, David, John, Jennifer, Bob, Scott, Jason, Dylan, Nathan, Brian, Kate, scifantasy for already sponsoring this CD.

So I want to give you one more chance to support the album. I don't know if I'm gonna do a top the charts event. Right now, I just need to pay off some album bills. I appreciate any support you can offer.

Support Sci Fi Drinking Songs!

Thanks as always for your kind generosity.

Marc Gunn, The Celtfather

PS. SPECIAL NOTE: Don't you hate it when you make a big stupid error in a video and realize it AFTER you release it. That should be old school Klingon NOT Romulan. Duh!