A Touching Tribute from a Soldier Overseas.

A Browncoat wrote me about my song “Bring Me Home, Boys”. I dedicate this to all our soldiers who so valiantly serve our country. Thank you!

I had to tell you about an awesome experience I just had while listening to your music.

I am in the United States Air Force, stationed overseas, and was driving to work this morning while listening to Bring Me Home on the Signal podcast. As I screamed along with my fellow Browncoats, two F-16's took off in front of me as my car skirted the flight line. “Bring me home boys, bring me home!” sounded as the Falcons screamed off the tarmac and into the blue; dipping their wings in a traditional salute. Brought a tear to my eye as I thought about my family back home, the job we do here, and how important it is to protect freedom.

Our Squadron motto is “Return with Honor!” Bring Me Home seems a fitting tribute to my brothers and sisters who Returned with Honor, but never came home. Lord knows I’ll be singing Bring Me Home when I catch the Freedom Bird back to the United States and my family.

Thank you Marc, from all the ‘Boys' (and girls) of the United States Air Force who embody the Browncoat and Independent’s spirit, for your musical inspiration. Your words keep us focused and in the fight.

The Scottish Warrior