Are You Following the Hobbit Movie News?

Since I have a hobbit CD in the works, I thought it was fitting to follow all the latest The Hobbit movie news.  For those who aren't familiar with it, the movie is finally in production right now.  Peter Jackson returns as the director, along with another all-star cast which includes many of the same actors who were in the Lord of the Rings.

Personally, I'm following TheOneRing.Net for my hobbit movie news, but there are a growing number of resources to find out more about The Hobbit.  One, I hope, will be an inside scoop from my co-host of the Renaissance Festival Podcast.  It seems Matt Ledder went to New Zealand.  While he was there, he did a hobbit tour and met a lot of folks who are working on the upcoming hobbit movie.  He's not allowed to share any pictures, but I'm hoping he might pull in some interviews which we will feature on either the Renaissance Festival Podcast or the Pub Songs Podcast (to be decided).

Meantime, there's less than two weeks left to sponsor Don't Go Drinking With Hobbits.