Austin Celtic Calendar and Meetup

About this time last year, I had this brilliant idea of creating a monthly Celtic calendar and distributing it around Austin so folks in Austin would know when Celtic happenings are happening. I created a template, even went so far as to purchase a domain– Then gigs and life got the better of me and I never did anything further with the website.

It's a shame really. I think Austin really needs this calendar. And while I'm motivated enough to get it running, I just don't have the time. I have too many projects as it is.

That said, I've been craving more social interaction with folks around Austin. So with the success of my Austin Italian Language Meetup group, I decided to start a few more meetups. The latest is the Austin Celtic Meetup. This new meetup has taken over the website for the Austin Celtic Calendar and designed to increase interaction among the Irish, Scottish, and other Celts of Austin. There are a bunch of us. And hopefully, I'm not the only one hoping to meet more people. We'll find out next month!

FYI. The third meetup group I started is the Austin Yoga Meetup Group. I'm fairly new to Yoga, but I like the folks that do it. They typically are very colorful people with an interest in healthy living, like I have.