St. Patrick’s Day Songs for Kids Lyrics

First, some news… St Patrick’s Day Songs for Kids is getting a ton of great reviews on Amazon. It’s charting fairly well on iTunes too. I’m still hoping I can get six more reviews by tomorrow, which would be one week after the album was officially released. If I can, I think it will rank fairly […]

Air Superiority : Hunting Dragons

Air Superiority : Hunting Dragons

Day 2 of captivity by the air pirate Capt. Black Jack Murphy and the Irish Stout leaves me wondering what makes an airship. I try to explain the types that I’ve discovered during my trip. You can find out more about Dragons vs. Pirates through my Kickstarter at — Day 2. It was only yesterday […]

Irish & Celtic Music Podcast #198: St. Patrick’s Day Songs for Kids

People often associate St. Patrick’s Day as a time for Irish drinking songs and green beer. However, it all starts as a kid. I recorded an album of St. Patrick’s Day Songs for Kids because I wanted to celebrate the children who find their love of Celtic music through the holiday. This week, I’m gonna […]

St. Patrick’s Day Songs for Kids, Why It Matters

St. Patrick’s Day Songs for Kids is now officially on sale all around the ‘net. You can buy it via CD Baby in my Celtic Music CD Store, or on iTunes and Amazon. The physical album looks great, and it’s a lot of fun. So far, I have 10 reviews on Amazon from some fans who […]

Irish & Celtic Music Podcast #197: Irish Drinking Songs Top 20

Irish drinking songs were my introduction to Celtic music. In show #197, I’m gonna share my pick of the Top 20 Irish drinking songs by some of the best indie Celtic bands online including: Dun Aengus, The Sorry Lot, Stout Pounders, The Poxy Boggards, Brobdingnagian Bards, Terry Griffith, Bedlam Bards, Doggy Dike, Bourbon & Shamrocks, Jonathan […]