The Truth Behind the Music : Hunting Dragons

The Truth Behind the Music : Hunting Dragons

I am pleased to launch the first episode of Dragons vs. Pirates: The Truth Behind the Music. In this podcast, I will share an audio journal of my life-changing experience when I was shanghaied by air pirates two years ago. Episode #1, “Shanghaied by Air Pirates” tells the story of how it all happened. — I […]

Irish Drinking Songs and St. Patrick’s Day in 2015

There’s a reason why I’ve spent so much time recording albums that are called “drinking songs“. It’ll started in 1999 when I was buying a book at Half-Price Books on South Lamar in Austin. I saw a green cassette labeled “Irish Drinking Songs“. It cost two bucks. On a whim, I bought it. About this […]

Poverty With Flair, Dragons on Kickstarter, Building Trust

You’re gonna hear about my brand new Kickstarter, and some plans for the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast. You might get a free copy of my next CD, St. Patrick’s Day Songs for Kids, and I rant about crappy marketers in show #11 of The Celtfather. To subscribe, go to iTunes, or go to where you […]

Why I Despise Shock Jocks

I had a discussion this week about why I don’t like Rush Limbaugh. I didn’t really get to make my point before the whole discussion turned into a Conservative vs. Liberal opinion debate. It was rather unfulfilling, so I thought I’d share my reasoning. But first… This is NOT a political issue. It’s a marketing issue. […]

Celtic Interviews: Dublin Harpers

I confess, the Irish harp is not usually my favorite instrument when it comes to Irish music. It’s beautiful, but I like more upbeat music. Dublin Harpers changed my impression with what can be done with the harp. They play upbeat Celtic tunes that rock. Plus, their whole family gets involved as you’ll hear about […]

#SaveTheDragons with My New Album Dragons vs. Pirates

I finally made some decisions about upcoming albums for the year and what’s next as you’ll see in my latest Kickstarter–Dragons vs. Pirates. This album is a bit of vanity project. It started years ago with an album I recorded with Captain Black Jack Murphy called Pogue Mahone Means Kiss My Arse. It was a fun […]

FuMPFest 2015

The 2nd Annual FuMPFest is coming in June. This is a festival of funny music in Wheeling, IL. Let me start by saying–sigh–I won’t be there… this year. I’m still hopeful I can perform there some day. For now, I just want to spread the word. There’s a LOT of great, and funny, musicians playing […]