When Irish Eyes Are Smiling & The Death of Thorin

What do “When Irish Eyes Are Smiling” and the death of Thorin Oakenshield have in common? Find out in the show #4 of The Celtfather podcast. And remember, this Sunday, February 25th is the date of my next Concert Window performance. Sign up to be notified at marcgunn.com/concert/ Then become a Patron of the Arts […]

#192: Burns Day

It’s almost Robert Burns Day. So we’re gonna have our own Burns Supper with Scottish Celtic music in show #192 with music from Haggis Rampant, Don Grieve, Ed Miller, Billfiddle, Marc Gunn, Giant’s Dance, Carl Peterson, Sassanak Lassies, Merry Wives of Windsor, Leah Jorgensen, Smithfield Fair, The Rogues, Hugh Morrison, Rise, Seamus Kennedy. www.celticmusicpodcast.com/192 If […]

Celtic Love Coming Soon!

In 2007, I recorded a vanity project called “A Tribute to Love“. I didn’t honestly expect that the album would sell terribly well, and it didn’t. People who know my music love my comedy or my traditional Celtic songs, but love songs…? And this was more than just an album of sappy love songs. It […]

Schatten Autoharp Pickup Review Coming

I first started amplifying my autoharp in 1999.  The autoharp pickup that was installed was the standard Oscar Schmidt. It had limitations. Mostly notably, it was setup with a 1/8″ input. How annoying is that when the entire music world runs on 1/4″ pickups. It was converted to a 1/4″ after a couple years of  use […]

Marc Gunn at ChattaCon in Chattanooga, TN

I just got a last minute concert announcement. I’m heading to Tennessee at the end of the month for ChattaCon, an annual Speculative Fiction convention held in Chattanooga, Tennessee at the historical Chattanooga Choo Choo from January 30th to February 1st. This is a new convention for me. I’ve been trying to make it happen for a while […]

#191: Kid on the Mountain

Show #191 features Irish Celtic music from Black Market Haggis, Smitty’s Kitchen, Cormorant’s Fancy, Slan, Celtic Rebels, Across the Pond, McGinty, Bonnie Rideout, SeaStar, Rant Maggie Rant, The Led Farmers, The Elders, Corktown Popes, Rathkeltair. www.celticmusicpodcast.com If you enjoy this show, then subscribe to our Celtic Music Magazine. This is our free newsletter and your […]

Marc Gunn Returns to Maggie McGuinness Pub on January 24th

One of my most-favorite venues ever is the Maggie McGuinness Pub in Huntsville, Alabama. The Bolliners turned their basement into an “Irish pub” and host events for the Irish Society of North Alabama. It’s a small venue with limited space and packed full of people who love Celtic music, geek songs, and great craic. Tickets are […]

Come Take a Trip in My Airship (Lyrics)

Lyrics by Ren Shields, music by George “Honey Boy” Evans, Copyright 1904 Performed by Marc Gunn From CD: Sci Fi Drinking Songs Sci Fi Drinking Songs by Marc Gunn I love a sailor; the sailor loves me, And sails ev’ry night to my home. He’s not a sailor that sails o’er the sea, Or over the wild briny […]