Celtic Christmas CDs from West of Eden, Tomaseen Foley, Siucra, Danny O’Flaherty, Iontach

A Celtic Christmas by West of Eden Looking for a Christmas album that truly touches your soul? This is it! From ancient Celtic Christmas hymns to modern folk classics, this is West of Eden at their best! “Innovative, imaginative, lyrical, melodic, and inspirational” (Folk & Roots) Genre: Folk: Celtic Folk Release Date: 2010 A Celtic […]

Celtic Christmas Video Show Recorded

Saturday evening, I sat down with my autoharp, a Christmas tree, and my videographer Chuck Davis, and we recorded a Celtic Christmas Music Special. This show will be released for free on YouTube as soon as Chuck can get it mixed and ready to release. The Celtic Christmas music special was created in response to […]

Best Celtic Bands on Ranker

It’s #CelticThursday. Who are the Best Celtic Bands in the world? You can see my pick of Top Celtic Folk Bands here. It’s a few years old but still fairly relevant. I should probably make a new pick for 2014. In the meantime, I’m listed as #9 on Ranker. I think I can rank higher… with […]

Irish & Celtic Music Podcast #185: 2 Hours of Celtic Rock Music!

Celtic Rock gets a special feature on this week’s Irish & Celtic Music Podcast thanks to our Patrons of the Podcast. You’ll hear music from Greenwich Meantime, The Brazen Heads, Dust Rhinos, Cele De, Sons of Malarkey, Mickey Coleman, The Elders, Redhill Rats, The Barley Boys, Ockham’s Razor, Celtic Cross, The Kreellers, Johnsons Motorcar, Mairi […]

Irish & Celtic Music Podcast #184: Celtic Music for Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving! Show #184 Celebrates Thanksgiving with Irish Celtic music from Emerald Rose, Julia Lane, Patrick’s Head, Sean Orr, Four Celtic Voices, Beth Patterson/Patrick O’Flaherty, StoneRing, Merry Wives of Windsor, The Fire Inside, Syren, Rattle the Board, Laura McGhee, Burning Bridget Cleary, The Shanties, The Gothard Sisters, Jenna Greene. www.celticmusicpodcast.com If you enjoy this show, […]

Humble Return to Twitter

Yes. I still hate Twitter. But over the last month, I finally found an awesome use for it… talking to people. I heard everyone mention chatting on Twitter, but it’s such a useless medium for any real communication. However, if you want to reach someone fast, they’re usually on Twitter. They frequently respond. Or if […]

CG075: Jared Billeaud Interview for Reavers, Malcolm, Reavers

I got to chat with Jared Billeaud, one of the drummers and singers with the Whiskey Bay Rovers. He also came up with the original idea for the song “Reavers, Malcolm, Reavers” that went on my CD, “Sci Fi Drinking Songs”. We talked a wee bit about how he got started with music and the […]