CG040: Autoharp Pickup Repair Made Failure

I am in Indianapolis once again for GenCon. I added a new Wednesday evening show that went well despite Autoharp and location problems. Now it’s time to rock out the rest of the con. Sponsored by Lunarpages This Week’s Celtic Geek News New bards banner Irish Drinking Songs for Cat Lovers show at GenCon […]

Irish & Celtic Music Podcast #169: How America Saved Irish Music

Enjoy a special feature of the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast as we play the entire album of How America Saved Irish Music by Marc Gunn & Jamie Haeuser from start to finish, all absolutely free. If you enjoy this show, then subscribe to our Celtic Music Magazine. This is our free newsletter and […]

CG039: Creating the Ultimate Autoharp

I’m back after a week off from vacation on the beach with the family. Kenzie’s school started back up so I’m also back to a regular work schedule. Today, I’m pleased to share all of the news I missed this past couple weeks. I list my upcoming shows and apologize for a Celtic podcast screwup. […]

#168: Irish Vacation on the Beach

Irish Celtic music from EJ Jones, Sarah Marie Mullen, Merry Wives of Windsor, Stanley & Grimm, Colleen Raney, Martyn Wylde, Kindred Spirits , Ken O’Malley, Ashley Davis, Black 47, The Fenian Sons, Paisley Close, Giant’s Dance. If you enjoy this show, then subscribe to our Celtic Music Magazine. This is our free newsletter and […]

#167: Postcard from Dublin [Clean Edit]

Clean edit of show #167. Irish Celtic music from Jonathan Milton, McFlooseys, Hawp, Melanie Gruben, Flook, Jed Marum, Circled By Hounds, Ginger Ackley, Brobdingnagian Bards, Erin’s Guild, Celtic Music World, Katie’s Randy Cat, The Humble Hooligans, Molly Bauckham. If you enjoy this show, then subscribe to our Celtic Music Magazine. This is our free newsletter and […]

#167: Postcard from Dublin [Explicit]

Irish Celtic music from Jonathan Milton, McFlooseys, Hawp, Melanie Gruben, Flook, Jed Marum, Circled By Hounds, Ginger Ackley, Brobdingnagian Bards, Erin’s Guild, Rum Currency, Celtic Music World, Katie’s Randy Cat, The Humble Hooligans, Molly Bauckham. If you enjoy this show, then subscribe to our Celtic Music Magazine. This is our free newsletter and your […]

CG037: Selling Anorexia

I saw an advertisement for a lady’s fashion store with the most appalling anorexic woman on the ad. It raised an idea for a parody advertisement that I decided not to share. Was it too much? Find out more about it in this week’s Celtic Geek. Link to this page at Today’s show is sponsored […]