CG012: Ten Years of Firefly. What?!

Dark smile Smooth and cool Like a Browncoat Awaiting a duel Drink Monahan’s Mudder’s Milk This week I take a brief look at my favorite TV show ever–Firefly. Two years after the show was canceled, a podcast emerged from the rubble and kept the spirit and passion for the show alive and growing. It was […]

CG011: Use the Force to Follow Your Bliss

When I was a kid, I believed I could use the Force from Star Wars. I never could move objects with my mind, but my idealistic belief I could accomplish anything. As Dr Emmett Brown said, “If you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything”. I believe that wholeheartedly. It is one of the […]

New DVD: Wild Mountain Thyme

Imagine fields of wild mountain thyme and the joy you experience with Marc Gunn’s performances. You will experience them live from the California Autoharp Gathering. STOP and picture what life will be like watching Marc Gunn perform in front of an audience of a hundred people. The rapt attention. The cheers. A room singing together. […]

CG010: Walking Through Wildflowers

We had a lovely time this weekend in New Orleans. We walked through a field of wildflowers. We ate amazing food. We spent a relaxing Easter with friends. Today’s show is brought to you by Audible. Get a free audiobook download when you join today. Then listen to thousands of titles. If you need a suggestion […]

CG009: Introvert Survival Guide in an Extrovert World

It’s tough being an introvert in an extroverted world. Do you enjoy my music? Are you an introvert or extrovert? How does a musician make a name for oneself as an introvert? These are some of the questions I hope to answer into today’s episode of The Celtic Geek. Today’s episode is sponsored by Audible. […]

CG008: Amazing Celtic T-Shirts

The Celtic Geek (subscribe here) is now completely integrated with SoundCloud. That means as soon as it is uploaded, it goes live in the podcast feed. But it also means if you were looking for detailed shownotes, you’re not gonna find them. SoundCloud feeds don’t allow active URL links. Instead, you will need to go […]

Sci Fi Drinking Songs – April Update

I just got an email through Kickstarter asking about Sci Fi Drinking Songs. Many people requested copies of the album through the funding of Scottish Songs of Drinking & Rebellion. I told you I hoped to complete it in April. It’s April. And it’s not done. So what gives? I received almost all of the files for Sci […]

Autoharps for Newbies

Last week, I updated my autoharps page for the Autoharp Music Tips website. This page was designed for newbies who want to play auotharp. My goal is to share my top three  suggestions for anyone getting started playing the instrument. I play Oscar Schmidt autoharps. So those are my top recommendations. It’s tough picking out which […]

#156: Open the Gates of Celtic Music

Irish Celtic music from Poitin, Michael Albert & Henry Lebedinsky, Adam Beattie and the Consultants, Olta, The O’Carolan Songwriter Project, James Olin Oden, Haggis Rampant, Martyn Wylde, Tallymoore, LQR, Celtica Pipes Rock, The Buachaills, Sligo Rags. If you enjoy this show, then subscribe to our Celtic Music Magazine. This is our free newsletter and […]