Which News Station Will Manipulate Your Mind Today?

I hate watching the news. Sure it’s great for giving you a quick 5 minute viewpoint of the news, but that’s the problem. It’s a viewpoint. Every new source is biased in some ways. Last weekend, I was waiting to check into my hotel and PandoraCon when I heard some statement. It was about the […]

Replication vs. Duplication

I hate CD printing terminology. It’s so bloody counter intuitive. Here’s the definitions from the Discmakers website. CD Replication includes the creation of a glass master from a client’s original master, a nickel stamper created from that glass master, and the injection molding of clear optical-grade polycarbonate substrates (clear discs) from the nickel stamper. The process […]

Pub Songs #125: Changing the Way You Hear Celtic Music News

I’m very pleased to bring you an extra interesting show today. I have some big news for the week, but to some degree it feels like repetition of news I’ve already shared. Yes, it is a progress report, and I made a lot of progress, but I need something different. So this week, I decided […]

Irish Song Lyrics Updated

With all the attacks on my wordpress pages, I decided it was time to go back to standard HTML. To that end, I am updating my Irish Song Lyrics website and making the site new and fresh with all the lyrics I currently have up. It’s gonna take a while before I dispose of the […]

“A Celtic Christmas” Is Coming Early This Year

Have you been naughty or nice? Either way, I’m expecting lots of Christmas Celtic knotwork snowflakes falling from the sky thanks to your generous donation on Kickstarter. My next compilation CD A Celtic Christmas is already at 150% of its funding with six days to go. I’m getting kinda hopeful that we will meet our […]