#146: Rolling Hills of Shamrocks

Irish Celtic music from Burning Bridget Cleary, Embarr, SaltyPaws, Poitin, David Nigel Lloyd, Full Gael, Jack Carey, Cady Finlayson, Finvarra, Loudwhisper, Cheers!, La Unica, Celtic Corridor, Jasper Coal, Scott Hoye. www.celticmusicpodcast.com If you enjoy this show, then subscribe to our Celtic Music Magazine. This is our free monthly newsletter and your guide to the latest […]

The Greater Crime of Extreme Control of Music

We all remember the horror stories about Metallica suing their fans, and the RIAA suing… everyone. Their goal was simple–stop the illegal download of music. At some point, they woke up and realized it was bad business to sue their customers. That was great timing for iTunes who quickly dominated the market by offering reasonably […]

Pub Songs #124: Celtic Christmas and Gunn Runner Community

It was another busy week. I’m still at work on two CDs: Scottish Songs of Drinking & Rebellion and A Celtic Christmas. Both are nearing completion. I have one more song to finish mixing for the Scottish CD and I’m getting ready to send the Christmas album to the printers. It was fully funded on Kickstarter […]

Celtic Christmas Kickstarter Hits 60% Funding!

Just over 24 hours and we are 2/3s the way there. That blows me away. I am SO very grateful to everyone who is helping support the Celtic Christmas compilation Kickstarter. It is killing it! I’m confident that we will meet the initial goal of $2885. In fact, I’m pretty sure we’ll do that by […]

New Kickstarter for “A Celtic Christmas”

The Irish & Celtic Music Podcast has picked the tracks for its next Celtic compilation CD. This one is called “A Celtic Christmas” and currently features 17 Celtic Christmas songs and tunes by indie Celtic Musicians. The Kickstarter was launched last night and it has already reached 25% of it’s funding goal. If you enjoy Celtic music […]