Free from Ties that Bind

I decided to disconnect my blog from my Facebook fan page. Years ago, I used to publish all sorts of blogs under the sun. I had fun writing about stuff, promoting stuff, etc. I don’t do that any more. It’s all business and no play. I’m as tired of that as I am of social […]

One Album Title Picked

A few weeks ago, I mentioned that I had enough music for two albums: one of Celtic geek comedy, and one of more ballady songs.  I also said I didn’t have a name for either album.  That changed this weekend.  On my drive to New Orleans, I named the second of those two albums.  The […]

Introducing TWO All-New Pub Songs Podcasts Complete with Celtic Music Biographies

The Pub Songs Podcast is once again evolving… I think.  We shall know for sure in a few weeks. What’s new? For one, it’s turning into a live show that you can watch via Google Hangouts or on YouTube. And I mean totally live. Watch me screw up, or kick butt, the whole nine yards. Second, […]

Pub Songs #120: Early Biography of The Clancy Brothers and Tommy Makem

Today’s show is dedicated to The Clancy Brothers and Tommy Makem. If you love Celtic music and you’re not familiar with the group, you’re missing out. They are one of the reasons Gunns & Drums is recording an album called “How America Saved Irish Music”. They’re a shining example. Once again, the show is suffering […]

Pub Songs #119: Live, Do I Offer Musical Inspiration?

This is my first attempt at recording a live Pub Songs Podcast on Google Hangouts. I’m gonna try and put a new show out every week or two with minimal editing. I’d love your feedback. Let me know of a song I should play each week. Yes, I want to hear your suggestions! Post them […]

“Are you an indie musician?”

It’s a work day in Gunn Studios. The life of an indie musician, seems work is never done. It’s a wonderful challenge. It’s also great seeing up and coming musicians. At The Summit Farmers Market yesterday, this maybe 13-year old girl approached me. “Are you an indie musician?”, she asked? I set my autoharp down. She […]

Irish House in NOLA This Weekend, New Song and Decision About CDs

I’m back from a wonderful beach vacation with family and trying to catch up.  Before I get started, I need to let you know that I’m heading to New Orleans this weekend.  My folk duo Gunns & Drums (with Jamie Haeuser on bodhran) is performing at Irish House on St. Charles on Saturday night starting […]