#142: Banish Misfortune

Irish Celtic music from Banish-Misfortune, Poitin, Lachlan, Buzz Turner, Jed Marum, Flashpoint, Neck & Neck, FIMM, Marc Gunn, The Celtic Reggae Revolution, Connemara Stone Company, Mighty Ploughboys, The Bog Hoppers, Beer Belly. www.celticmusicpodcast.com If you enjoy this show, then subscribe to our Celtic Music Magazine. This is our free monthly newsletter and your guide to […]

Pub Songs #117: Top 3 Tips for New Dads, plus Funny Music

Pub Songs #117: Top 3 Tips for New Dads, plus Funny Music

I keep planning on doing a YouTube video on my three pieces of advice for new parents, but I’m still not totally comfortable with quickly and easily recording videos. There’s something that always keeps me from it. It’s my own lack of confidence. But with eight years of recording audio podcasts, I figured I’ll just […]

Tribute to Tiziano Gunn

If you missed the post on Facebook, my boy Tiziano left for Catnipping Green yesterday.  I confess I was hit harder than I imagined by his death.  I brought Tizi and Torre home during a difficult time of my life.  I just  came out of a long-term relationship.  I was living alone and wanted companions. […]

#141: Bagpipes Rock

Bagpipes and Irish Celtic music from EJ Jones, The Rogues, Jesse Ferguson, Culann’s Hounds, The Blarney Rebel Band, Ed Yother, Carmina, NeidFyre, Brendan Loughrey, Clandestine, Plantec, Prydein, Callanach, Vicki Swan & Jonny Dyer. www.celticmusicpodcast.com If you enjoy this show, then subscribe to our Celtic Music Magazine. This is our free monthly newsletter and your guide […]

Rocky Road to Dublin Video

I brought out my video camera this weekend and recorded some of my shows at the Georgia Renaissance Festival. I got a great recording of “Rocky Road to Dublin” (lyrics) that is captured below. If you are one of my Patron of the Arts, you can download and watch a full HD show (available this […]