Irish & Celtic Music Podcast #136: Celtic Love

Irish Celtic music from Kennedy’s Kitchen, Athena Tergis, Colleen Raney, Bow Triplets, Heloise Love, Moira Nelson, Rattle the Boards, Ciara Considine, Merry Wives of Windsor, Avalon Rising, The Rogues, Enter the Haggis, Jiggernaut, Jed Marum.  Valentine’s Day Special. Subscribe to our Celtic Music Magazine. Remember to support the artists who support this podcast: buy their […]

Thank God for “Celtic Music”!

“Celtic music” is a marketing term used to define the sound and music of the Celts.  I’ve used it to promote my Celtic Music Magazine and my Irish & Celtic Music Podcast and a LOT of my websites.  A decade ago, it was lamented as a useless term because every band who thought they were […]

Drinking With Hobbits Encouraged!

I was excited to find that the Road Goes Ever Ever On and On because AL3P is back!  You may recall an article I wrote about Bilbo’s birthday party a few years back.  Or perhaps you remember A Long Expect Party 2?  You might even “Raise a Glass in Parting” at the memories of that […]

Love CD Re-Released Under Pseudonym Ichabod Zeuss

At the beginning of 2007, I released my album “A Tribute to Love“.  It was a special project to me.  It was me calling into wilderness and saying, “I want a partner to love in my life!”   A couple years later, I met my wife. The album was different from the start.  I sold it […]

CD Sales Moved Back to CD Baby

I love my Celtic Music CD Store.  It’s friendly and fairly easy to maintain.  I started accepting orders last year and moved all my physical album sales from CD Baby to my store. The biggest trouble I’ve had is the whole issue of shipping.  I’ve had a tough time keeping up with orders, especially the […]

Be Safe, Be Sorry

That’s the title of Marcia Yudkin’s weekly email newsletter.  Marcia is a fantastic copywriter.  I’ve been a subscriber for several years.  This latest email is one of many reasons why.  Marcia wrote, “With ‘me too’ marketing, you spend the same to get your message out as for a more distinctive idea.  Yet you enjoy a […]