Irish & Celtic Music Podcast #132 Is Now Online

Today’s show features Irish Celtic music from The Tea Merchants, Free Range String Band, The Duplets, Dave Hum, Ginger Ackley, The Rogues, Lachlan, Poitin, Baroque & Hungry, Samantha Gillogly & Tim Maurice, Angus Mohr, The Merry Peddlers, The Tomfooligans, Sisters of Murphy, Laura McGhee. You’ll also learn about Brobdingnagian Bards’ End of the World […]

#132: Irish & Celtic Music Podcast

Irish Celtic music from The Tea Merchants, Free Range String Band, The Duplets, Dave Hum, Ginger Ackley, The Rogues, Lachlan, Poitin, Baroque & Hungry, Samantha Gillogly & Tim Maurice, Angus Mohr, The Merry Peddlers, The Tomfooligans, Sisters of Murphy, Laura McGhee. Subscribe to our Celtic Music Magazine. Remember to support the artists who support […]

Rogues Interview and Repost of an Old CD Review

I just got back from LA Ren faire. Had a great time. I interviewed Randy Wothke of The Rogues regarding his new endeavor. I’m excited to see a return of the classic Rogues. So I also reposted a review I wrote of their CD 5.0 many, many long years ago. Tomorrow, I will try and […]

Demand to See Marc Gunn Live!

I’m working on my schedule for next year. I have a few holes to fill which is why I’m looking for places to do house concerts in Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee and North Florida. However, I was recently struck by the idea of doing house concerts anywhere in the world using crowdfunding. Crowdfunding is what I’ve […]

Pub Songs #110: Best Irish Drinking Songs for St. Patrick’s Day… or Any Day

Pub Songs #110: Best Irish Drinking Songs for St. Patrick’s Day… or Any Day

The polls open up tomorrow. Whichever candidate you support, go vote for them. The political system only works when we are active participants in it. This show features some great pub songs from my upcoming CD “Not Every Day Is St. Patrick’s Day”. Whether your candidate wins or loses, it’s the perfect music to celebrate […]