Pub Songs #95: Surgery, A Long Expected Party, Getting Back to Routine

It’s been a while, but I’m back with another show.  This one is for the Gunn Runners.  There’s some great music, but I have a lot to say to update you with all my news.  So check it out. Kenzie update Computer and microphone updates Kickstarter Campaign to Update Gear. Stay tuned. Limited Edition T-Shirt […]

Makem & Spain Brothers Heading to Texas

I just got word from Mickey Spain that the Makem & Spain Brothers are heading to Texas in November.  On November 5th and 6th, they’ll be at the Austin Celtic Festival.  They are performing alongside Frankie Gavin, Ed Miller, Doc Grauzer, and The Tea Merchants. Then on Monday the 7th, they’re heading up to Poor […]

Anyone Know of a “Celtic Music Magazine”?

I first published my Celtic music magazine at the end of 2000.   Back then, I called it Celtic Muse.  A year later, I renamed it Celtic MP3s: Song of the Week.  In 2002, it took it’s most recent name–Celtic MP3s Music Magazine.  I’m thinking of changing it’s name again. Originally, it was about Celtic mp3s.  […]

A Long-Expected Party 2: There & Back Again, Another Glimpse at Perfection

I’m back from A Long Expected Party 2: There & Back Again at Shaker Village in Pleasant Hill, Kentucky.  I had a brilliant time. A Look Backward at ALEP 1 Three years ago, I wrote that the first ALEP was one of the top 5 weekends of my life.  It was a magical experience.  For […]

Irish & Celtic Music Podcast #110

Music from Green Man, Cormant’s Fancy, Alison Nolan, Ron Cody, Terry Griffith, Hair of the Dog, FiddleSticks, Bourbon & Shamrocks, Brobdingnagian Bards, Boston Blackthorne, Redhill Rats, Green Tea, Johnsons Motorcar, Nine-8ths Irish. Sponsor: Stone Mountain Highland Games Stone Mountain Highland Games return October 15-16, 2011 outside of Atlanta, Georgia.  There in Stone Mountain State […]