Irish & Celtic Music Podcast #105: Texas Scottish Festival Celtic Music

Music from Beyond the Pale, Clandestine, Seamus Stout, The Rogues, Hugh Morrison, Jed Marum, Don Gabbert, Marc Gunn, Tullamore, Ed Miller, Brother, Jiggernaut, The Killdares. Interviews with Ray MacDonald, Hugh Morrison, Jed Marum, Tullamore, Ed Miller, Jiggernaut. Sponsor: Today’s show is brought to you by – get a FREE audiobook download. Over […]

Celt Family Profile: Kristie Davis

This week, I dropped an email to Kristie Davis a fan who’s traveled far and wide to see me perform with the Brobdingnagian Bards and solo. She tells me, “I first heard your music several years ago on a knitting podcast by Brenda Dane called Cast-On.  She always played cool music and one day she […]

Pub Songs #85: New Hobbit Drinking Song

I’m making great progress on my new album of hobbit drinking songs.  Called Don’t Go Drinking With Hobbits, I am collaborating with other Celtic and Ren Faire musicians to make something fitting for those pint size people in Hobbiton (not to mention those who just love to drink).  I have a full body of instruments […]

Firefly Drinking Songs Interview on The Signal Podcast

A couple weeks back, Cedric of the Bedlam Bards and I joined Les Howard on The Signal Podcast.  We recorded an interview for our upcoming album Firefly Drinking Songs.  If you were ever wondering where this idea came from, how it developed, who we are, why were playing together, don’t miss this interview.  It was […]

Sci Fi Conventions in Alabama and the South

Now that I live in Birmingham, Alabama, I’m doing some research on Sci Fi conventions near me. I’d love to perform at more cons. Below are all the conventions I’m aware of in the South.  If you have a convention suggestion to be added or if any of these conventions are out-of-date, please contact me. […]

“We Are The FuMP” Commemorates 500

Several years ago, a group of comedy musicians got together and thought, “What would happen if we gave away our music as a group on a website?”  Soon after that, The FuMP was born. The FuMP or Funny Music Project is a collaborative effort made up of a core group of comedy musicians. These are […]

How I Fell in Love with Hobbits

It was the 6th grade when I first watched the Rankin & Bass animated version of The Hobbit.  My 6th grade had one big room broken up into large cubicles for teaching.  When the movie came on, everyone gathered in the common area.  The blinds were closed.  The movie began. I remember being mesmerized by […]