Irish & Celtic Music Podcast #76: Best of 2009

Irish Celtic music from Siochain, The AM String Band, The Kreellers, Skully, The Canny Brothers Band, Maidens IV, Rising Gael, Brigands’ Folie, Beyond the Pale, Celtic Squall, Tullamore, Ron Cody, The Blarney Rebel Band, Kennedy’s Kitchen, Trinity River Whalers, Sora, Fiddler’s Green, Finns Fury, Sonic Impulse, Heidi-Jane. Brought to you by Song Henge, the […]

Marc Weeklies: Whoops! And Bonne Annee!

Marc is still out of town, and I am a week late in publishing this edition of the “Weeklies!” (Shush – don’t tell him.) I did have a family medical emergency last week – really, I did. But we had a lovely Christmas anyway, and I hope your holiday celebration was just as wonderful. Some […]

#75 – Celtic Christmas Special

Celtic Christmas music from Banshee in the Kitchen, Julia Lane, Heather Dale, Liz Carroll, Seamus Kennedy, Maidens III, Hibernian Festival Singers, Kevin Behan, Eileen Ivers, Samantha Gillogly, Tania Opland, Angus Mohr, Vince Conaway, Neidfyre, The Elders. Today’s show is brought to you by Celtic Invasion Vacations. Travel the world with your Irish &; Celtic Music […]

No Songs Left to Sing (Lyrics)

by Marc Gunn, March 13, 2009 There are no songs still left to sing There’s no music still left to score All the melodies have left the moon beams Ever since you left my door I heard that little quip that you made Caused me a little bit of pain and woe While fireworks sparked […]

Red, Red and Black (Lyrics)

Red, Red and Black (Lyrics)

“Red, Red and Black” lyrics and music by Marc Gunn, February 22, 2009 Performed by Marc Gunn From Happy Songs of Death Red, red and black Your Father’s lying on his back Dining with his friends in Paradise. Run, run, run, Or the Devil will take your son. Your brother’s family got it twice. Red, […]

The Ballad Of The Sea (Lyrics)

by Marc Gunn and Andrew McKee, 2002 This is one of the first songs Andrew and I wrote together with the Brobdingnagian Bards. I don’t remember how the melody goes. We didn’t spend much time playing it. I walked alone in foggy dew Just me and my memories A voice out seaward beckons thru A […]