Ren Fest Podcast MP3 Archives Return, the web host for over 50 episodes of the Renaissance Festival Podcast, went down a couple months back. The site got really popular and it ran out of bandwidth. Since February, we’ve received email from people letting us know about the missing MP3s, and I kept forgetting to mention it in the show. Well, […]

Irish Cat Synchronicity

I went to the acupuncturist today to help me fight off a sinus infection I feel is trying to make headway in me. While being filled with needles, I realized a couple of synchronistic things about my life. My Celtic heritage: I was born March 17, St. Patrick’s Day. I belong to the Scottish Clan […]

Why A “Cat” Is Called A “Cat”

The English word “cat” is very similar to the word used for our feline pets in other languages spoken in Europe and around the Mediterranean. The table below lists the word for cat and the language: Kat Dutch chat French Katze German gatta Greek kottur Icelandic gatto Italian qattus Maltean katt Norwegian kot Polish gato […]

New Folk Music Shop in Austin

From Doc Grauzer: Hello all! Thought I’d send out the word about a new music shop called “Fiddler’s Green”, which is at 1809 West 35th Street, pretty much across the street from Things Celtic. They just opened up on Monday, and I found them just today when I went to see Kimberly at work. So–a […]

New Cat CD Single

Looks like my single is now available on CD Baby–The Gift Of Cat Love. It features three songs from the upcoming CD, Whiskers in the Jar: Irish Songs for Cat Lovers.