I was friended by The Black Sisters on Myspace and they had a couple o’cool videos. A Music Video that makes me want my own. If only I had some sort a video editing software or some clue as to how to do it… And this one is TOOOO COOL. I wanna be in my […]
Author Archives: Marc Gunn
Happy Birthday (In Your Birthday Suit) MP3
One of my friends is having her birthday tomorrow. So I decided to go look up a couple o’birthday songs. One… is a messed up. To be nice. My friend Jack Murphy plans to record it for his next CD. And it’s REALLY messed up…. But for those celebrating your birthdays, here’s a short, clean […]
Froggie Went A-Courtin’ (Lyrics)
words and music traditional I learned this song from my dad. These are the lyrics he used to sing to me as a kid. It was always a favorite song, which is why I recorded for my CD, “A Tribute to Love“. Frogg went a-courtin’ and he did go, uh-huhFrogg went a-courtin’ and he did […]
Now Accepting Pre-Orders for “A Tribute to Love”
I believe in love. It’s an essential part of human existence. There are so many great aspects to it, and not all of them are romantic: love, love lost, marriage, infatuation, longing, lust, frustration, love for animals, places, and things. It is not all cut and dry. There is no perfection, except perhaps in accepting […]
Bardic Retreat
I was reading about a musician who leads “Great Big Dream Retreats”. She and 20 women go off to a solitary place in the mountains to meditate and educate people on how to achieve their dreams. After the whole Ireland Tour, I’ve been anxious to do MORE stuff like that. I’ve thrown around ideas of […]
Marc’s Musings – Saffron Wins Best Filk Song
MARC’S MUSINGS — August 22, 2007 – Marc’s Music News– Marc Gunn Live! – Demand Me– Saffron Wins Best Filk Song– New Celtic Cat Wooden Mugs Published 1-4 times per month. To manage your subscription, go to the end of this newsletter. Marc’s Musings Greetings, I mae a lot of updates to my websites recently. […]
Celtic Cat Cross Stitch
While I was in Ireland, one of our tour attendees, Jan C., asked if she could make a cross stitch of my Celtic cat logo that was designed by Ingrid Houwers. I told her, “Go ahead!” And now she’s finished the cross stitching. Now I think she might throw it together into a wee banner […]
Ingrid Houwers Shop Opens
Ingrid Houwers announced the opening of her new webstore. The site features art, jewelry, bodices, and much much more. Ingrid designed the CD cover to Brobdingnagian Fairy Tales and also Marc’s solo CD Irish Drinking Songs for Cat Lovers. So, are you looking for nice Celtic jewellery that is unlike the ‘mass market’ products? Looking […]
Ande’s Lyric Writing Tips
Here’s some of the guidelines Ande Rasmussen follows when he is writing lyrics: 1) there are no rules, there’s only tools, you’ll find exceptions to everything below, but it’s generally good to stick with them, unless you have a really good reason not to 2) Genuine Idea Is the idea worthy of becoming a song? […]
Listen to “A Tribute to Love”
Although I’m just now doing the CD Release for Irish Drinking Songs: The Cat Lover’s Companion, I am already working on my next CD, A Tribute to Love. The album is nearly complete. There are a few tweaks I want to make, but right now, you can listen and enjoy the album for free, right […]