Free Stickers – Real Men Wear Kilts

Some of you may not know that we give away free stickers Regularly. We’ve been doing it for, what 4-5 years now. I think we’ve given away over 5,000 stickers. Hola moly! Yup. Lots of these things. The stickers read “Real Men Wear Kilts”. Yes, that is the title of our next album, an album […]

Marc Gunn in Salerno, Italy

I have a confirmation. I’m playing a gig in Salerno, Italy Friday, June 22, 2007Chiostro del Conservatorio “Ave Gratia Plena Minor” via dei CanaliSalerno, Italy This will be one heck of an experience! L’Associazione culturale “Accordature Salernitane”, nella persona di Elvira Cicalesepresenterà MARC GUNN in concerto nell’ambito della II RASSEGNA “CONCERTI NEL CHIOSTRO” Chiostro del […]

Pub Songs #24: Seeing the Cliffs of Moher for the First Time

We arrived at the Cliffs of Moher. I shared the audio experience and other fascinating moments on the Brobdingnagian Bards Tour of Ireland Notes: Brobdingnagian Bards Podcast Taking LOTS of pictures at the Cliffs of Moher Jamming in Blarney and being recognized! Life of a folk musician Our Next Tour of Ireland: History, Legends, and […]

Pub Songs #23: Wandering Dublin with Blarney in Ireland

I arrived in Dublin and missed the tour bus for the Brobdingnagian Bards Tour of Ireland. So I had a few minutes to share my own early arrival experiences. Notes: Wandering through Dublin John Wilmott with Celtic Ways Visiting Tara, Home of the Irish Kings of Old High King’s Chair Fairie Trees Drinking Guinness Staying […]

New CD Online on June 6th!

Shoot! I’ve been so busy trying to get ready for Ireland I forgot to promote the fact that my new CD is out on the June 6th. Yes, Irish Drinking Songs: The Cat Lovers Companion is officially available online in TWO DAYS!!! I was hoping to try to get the word out so I could […]