My Olive Grove

by Marc Gunn, June 24, 2006 Once again, I walk down that dusty road. The cloudy canopy casts silhouettes On the olive grove I called home. I stumble along that same path Again and again. There are no taunting Ladders That visibly give me reason to hope. There is only the road, Growing ever more […]

Pub Songs #9: Rocky Road to the Best of Austin

Talking about the Brobdingnagian Bards’ upcoming one month tour. Songs: “Rocky Road to Dublin” by Brobdingnagian Bards from Songs of Ireland “Lounging in La La Land” by Ichabod from Geography Notes: House Concerts Tour of the East Coast Best of Austin Poll 2006   Rocky Road to Dublin traditional In the merry month of May, […]


In the summer of 2001, the Brobdingnagian Bards were doing fairly well on the Celtic MP3 charts on the late great That summer, I started the Celtic MP3s Music Magazine, a weekly electronic newsletter dedicated to promoting Celtic music. Visit the Celtic Music Magazine Actually, the magazine was a blatent attempt to promote the […]

The Way to a Woman’s Heart… Cats #10

How can you win the heart of a woman, chlorine and cats, and a one-year anniversary. Cat Music & News Irish Drinking Songs for Cat Lovers, Distribution in the U.S. and Canada One-Year Anniversary Cats in the News – Jack the Cat Chases A Bear Up Tree Cats In Geek Wedding Podcast – […]

Pub Songs #8: Seymoure Says Die Laughing with Sudden Death

It’s Father’s Day and I play some music from Seymoure and Sudden Death, aka Devo Spice. Songs: “The Pudding Song” by Seymoure from Seymoure Says “Spam” by Sudden Death from Die Laughing Notes: Things Celtic and Autoharp Lessons Weds, June 28, 2006 – Irish Sing-A-Long at Cactus Cafe with Campbell & Wilson Goth-O-Phile Friday, June […]


Are you looking to have a Celtic wedding or needing Celtic wedding music? Celtic music is not just the coolest music to listen to these days. It also makes a brilliant addition to any wedding. But finding the right Celtic wedding music is no picnic. There’s a decent amount out there, and not all of […]

What Is a House Concert?

Would you like Live Celtic music in your home? Think you can get 15 people to pay a few bucks to see us perform live? Then, Host a House Concert   What is a House Concert? A house concert is quite simply a live music performance in someone’s home. You invite your friends over to […]