Pub Songs #9: Rocky Road to the Best of Austin

Talking about the Brobdingnagian Bards’ upcoming one month tour. Songs: “Rocky Road to Dublin” by Brobdingnagian Bards from Songs of Ireland “Lounging in La La Land” by Ichabod from Geography Notes: House Concerts Tour of the East Coast Best of Austin Poll 2006   Rocky Road to Dublin traditional In the merry month of May, […]


In the summer of 2001, the Brobdingnagian Bards were doing fairly well on the Celtic MP3 charts on the late great That summer, I started the Celtic MP3s Music Magazine, a weekly electronic newsletter dedicated to promoting Celtic music. Visit the Celtic Music Magazine Actually, the magazine was a blatent attempt to promote the […]

The Way to a Woman’s Heart… Cats #10

How can you win the heart of a woman, chlorine and cats, and a one-year anniversary. Cat Music & News Irish Drinking Songs for Cat Lovers, Distribution in the U.S. and Canada One-Year Anniversary Cats in the News – Jack the Cat Chases A Bear Up Tree Cats In Geek Wedding Podcast – […]

Pub Songs #8: Seymoure Says Die Laughing with Sudden Death

It’s Father’s Day and I play some music from Seymoure and Sudden Death, aka Devo Spice. Songs: “The Pudding Song” by Seymoure from Seymoure Says “Spam” by Sudden Death from Die Laughing Notes: Things Celtic and Autoharp Lessons Weds, June 28, 2006 – Irish Sing-A-Long at Cactus Cafe with Campbell & Wilson Goth-O-Phile Friday, June […]


Are you looking to have a Celtic wedding or needing Celtic wedding music? Celtic music is not just the coolest music to listen to these days. It also makes a brilliant addition to any wedding. But finding the right Celtic wedding music is no picnic. There’s a decent amount out there, and not all of […]

What Is a House Concert?

Would you like Live Celtic music in your home? Think you can get 15 people to pay a few bucks to see us perform live? Then, Host a House Concert   What is a House Concert? A house concert is quite simply a live music performance in someone’s home. You invite your friends over to […]


Breastfed was an Avant, Quark Rock band characterized by well-arranged songs using odd timings, grooving rhythms, hard-edged attacks and fiersome melodic vocals. Ichabod sang Tavis sang backup and played guitar Neal paraded on drums, and Peg pedaled the bass support. Breastfed started out to be promising band. I conceived an idea of hard-rocking music that […]